Chris could not believe the audacity! Leroy was still in Ruby's life. “Hello, this is Ruby's phone. May I ask who's speaking?" the other person responded to Chris' question.
“What are you doing with Ruby's phone?" Chris demanded.
“Hello who is this?" Ruby was on the phone now.
“Oh, hi Ruby, it's Chris. How are you?" Chris responded calmly now.
“I'm alright Chris. What's up?" Ruby replied. She wondered why he did not come over to speak to her in person.
“Can we meet in the Library tomorrow for homework?" Chris asked.
“No problem, Chris. See you then. I will meet you there about ten minutes after school comes out," Ruby suggested. She sounded quite natural to Chris. She was not in grieving mode.
“Yes, that will be alright," Chris responded.
He felt that if Ruby was involved with Leroy again it would be right to talk to her about it. He would not allow her to be involved with a cheater again.
On Monday afternoon Chris arrived at the library before Ruby. He had to be calm and in control.
“Hi again," Ruby said in greeting. It was the second time that they came across each other today, because they had walked to school together.
“Hi Ruby," Chris said softly. I wanted to ask you whether we could go to dinner in town, after Youth meeting on Friday evening?"
“Oh, that would be great, Chris," Ruby responded immediately.
“Oh cool," Chris replied. “Another thing, are you and Leroy then back together?"
“No way. I will never let him back into my life. He's not worth the trouble," Ruby said firmly.
“Then who answered your phone yesterday?" Chris asked curiously.
“Oh it was Claude who came over to visit," Ruby responded calmly. Chris did not understand why Claude would be visiting Ruby at home. It was a well-known fact that Claude had many girls as his friends, so perhaps there was no reason to worry about Claude too much, Chris told himself. Ruby had agreed to go out to dinner with him, so it was clear that she therefore did not have another boyfriend.
On Friday night Ruby was dressed casually for Youth meeting at Church. So Chris realized that they would not be having a very formal dinner then. He had brought his father's car instead of the truck.
Ruby chatted excitedly on their way to the restaurant and it felt like old times. “Do you remember I mentioned that Zureicka is a part time model?" Ruby asked at one point.
"I recall yes," Chris responded.
“Well, according to Claude, she is a little bit unstable. You know; mentally, or emotionally," Ruby said, pointing at her own head.
“Why would he say that?" Chris asked, before turning into the parking area of the shopping complex where the restaurant was.
“Oh great! We're going for Pizza!" Ruby exclaimed. “Well, Claude said that something weird happened with her when she was modelling for a wine launch at his family farm," Ruby continued.
“So didn't he say what happened?" Chris asked.
“He said it was confidential," Ruby commented. She did not want to betray Claude's trust.
This remark made Chris feel reassured, because he reckoned that Ruby and Claude could not be dating if Claude did not confide in her about crucial matters.
Inside the restaurant Chris pulled out Ruby's chair for her and she wondered why he was acting so formally, when they were such old friends.
Chris chose his moment to make his intentions known for when they were busy eating chocolate cake for dessert.
“Ruby I wanted to ask you if we could go to Prom together, because we've known each other all these years. It's sort of natural, don't you think?" he asked and held his breath.
“Oh Chris! How sweet and yes, it is natural," Ruby responded with a sweet smile on her lips. “But, you see, Claude and I have started dating, so I think he is going to expect to go with me," she explained. “But, thanks so much for thinking about me," Ruby said and then she jumped up from her seat, ran around to Chris and gave him a smacking kiss on his cheek.
Chris decided to remain calm and not to show his disappointment. He looked out the window. “Oh look, it's beginning to snow again. Let's get home before a storm starts," he stated as he rose from his chair, in an attitude of haste.
Ruby felt happy about her evening. She was not aware of Chris' suffering on the inside. “Chris, that was great. Next time it's on me," she promised.
When Chris arrived home, he sat in front of the fireplace, instead of watching television, as usual.
“Your favourite show is on," his mother commented." Aren't you going to watch?" she asked. She knew her son well enough to realize that something about him was different.
“Oh I'm just tired tonight, Mom. I'm wondering what I will wear for Prom. That's all," he explained.
“Oh, already thinking about Prom? Well, don't worry. Just find something you like on the internet and I promise to make it on my sewing machine," his mother promised, with a pat on his knee.
The following afternoon Chris was in the woods. He wondered why the colours of nature were not as charming as usual. He walked to the well and wondered why his wish of taking Ruby to Prom as his date was not being answered.
As he turned around to leave, Chris saw someone in the distance. It was beginning to get dark, so he was not sure if the person was watching him. Chris decided to just leave and go straight home anyway.
Claude was happy with dating Ruby. She was exciting company, because she spoke about interesting and exciting aspects of life.
“So, are you going to sing until you retire one day, or is there something else which you would also like to do?" he asked one afternoon. They were in their final school year by then.
“I will always sing and if I don't sing I will teach music," Ruby replied.
“So you know exactly what you want to do." Claude stated. “Great! You seem to know your own mind and you're really talented. So you must have a dress picked out for Prom already?" Ruby nodded enthusiastically. "I do assume we are going together, right?" Claude said, as he looked into Ruby's eyes with a smile.
“Well, so you do not plan to go with someone else, like your cousin?" she joked.
“No, I refuse to go with my cousin," Claude said with mock revulsion.
“Then yes, I will go with you," Ruby responded, with a gentle kiss on Claude's cheek.
They were talking in the school cafeteria. Neither one of them noticed that Chris was behind them, within earshot.