1965 Words

“ If you take the word of those alongshore sharks against mine—' the other began thickly. “ Save yourself the trouble of further lying,” Duncan went on coldly. “I looked it up. I got Flaubin before the Governor himself, and the old rascal confessed to sixteen hundred overcharge. Said you'd stuck him up for it. Twelve hundred went to you, and his share was four hundred and the job. Don't interrupt. I've got his affidavit below. Then was when I would have put you ashore, except for the cloud you were under. You had to have this one chance or go clean to hell. I gave you the chance. And what have you got to say about it?” “ What did the Governor say?” Captain Dettmar demanded truculently. “ Which governor?” “ Of California. Did he lie to you like all the rest?” “ I'll tell you what

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