Chapter 5 - The Other Ray Jones

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Ken helped Ray into a taxi and watched until the two red tail lights disappeared in the darkness. He let out a deep sigh and reached for his phone to call Anne.   "Hi Anne, I met Ray at the airport," Ken said.   Anne was Ray's girlfriend and also went to college with Ken. After graduation, Ken and Ray worked together, so the three of them were close.   "You told me that yesterday. Are you planning on coming in when you drop him off? If you are, please hurry. Let's have dinner together; I heard there is a new restaurant close to here," Anne sounded lively and light-hearted.   Ray could hear the passion in her voice; it was like fire. Anne and Ray began dating three years ago when life was different for both of them. She had just graduated and had not found a job yet, while Ray had been working for over a year. Anne won his heart when she stood by his side while he was experiencing the despair of life due to the drinking and driving incident. Not once did Anne scorn him, she helped him, and they quickly fell in love.     "Slow down, Anne. Please listen to me," Ken pleaded.   He had to tell Anne that there was something wrong with Ray; he could tell that Ray was not himself. Ken wondered if Ray encountered difficulties while he was in Korea.   "What's wrong?"    "Ray didn't ride with me but took a taxi by himself. I am telling you, something is wrong with him," He sighed.   Ken couldn't get the look on Ray's face out of his mind; he felt a weird, eerie vibe about him.   "Don't worry. I believe he just thinks that you will try to find out what he did in Korea and publish the story before him. The three of us, dinner tonight, it's a done deal," Anne demanded, not seeming worried about Ray's behavior at all.   "Anne, listen, I'm not kidding with you; something was wrong with Ray."   Ken walked to the car park, and he pulled his car door open. The car was dark; the steering wheel, the seat, and the rearview mirror had dangling dolls, like a silent ritual.   "Well, there was always something's wrong with him. I need to go if there is nothing else; I'm getting my nails done."   Anne was sitting peacefully inside the nail salon. At this moment, she didn't care if there was something wrong with Ray because he would be happy to see her when he arrived home.   "Anyway keep an eye on him."   Ken sighed helplessly as he got into the car and skillfully backed out of his parking spot. Later in the evening, Ken met Anne and Ray at the new restaurant that Anne wanted to try.     The atmosphere was strangely quiet, yet the aroma of food wafting in the air was enough to entice customers to come inside.   Ken looked at the two people sitting across from him.  Anne was wearing a long lavender dress that was made with gorgeous silk. She had always been elegant and classy, like a noblewoman in ancient medieval Europe. She was what people would imagine when they thought of a beautiful woman.   Ray had changed into a black suit as if he was trying to match Anne's taste.   "Ken, what's wrong with you?" Anne propped her chin up on one hand with her elbow resting on the table, and she smiled softly.   "Are you all right, Ray?" Ken asked his friend.   Ken wanted to ask Anne if she noticed that something was wrong with Ray, yet he hesitated because Ray was sitting next to her. What Ken found most peculiar, though, was that Anne seemed to be comfortable around Ray.   "I am fine," Ray replied with a gentle smile on his face as if the gloom from before had disappeared entirely.   "You were…" Ken stared at Ray intently.   "Are you still worried about earlier? He didn't ride with you just because he felt a little sick. He's ok, right? Ray?" Anne interrupted when she realized what Ken was about to say.   "Yes, I am sorry to make you worry," Ray confirmed, slightly embarrassed.   Ray stood and picked up the teapot next to him; he filled Ken's cup with boiling water. The clear water flowed like a small waterfall; the hot air coiling around the column created steam that rose into the air.   As Ken watched the tea swirling in his cup and the leaves floated gently to the bottom, he knew he would have to let it go whether he wanted to or not.   The three ate dinner with no more talk of Ray's odd behavior, and when they said good night, Anne and Ray went one direction back to their apartment, and Ken went in the other direction.   Anne stopped in front of their building and said, "You go upstairs; I will just go park the car and then be right in."   Ray got out of the car, and Anne stepped on the gas, eager to get out of there for at least a few minutes. After parking the car, Anne slowly began the walk toward the building.   Their neighborhood had very light street lights, which at first made Anne a little nervous but she had gotten used to it. She was an actress who frequently worked nights, and Ray was busy with work, so she had to take care of herself. However, as she walked, something felt wrong, as if someone was hiding in the dark, watching her.   She gasped and lifted her head when she saw a man's shadow. Her body shuddered violently, and a panicked expression appeared on her delicate face. Anne screamed; the black figure shifted at the sound as if it too had been startled.   The light in the hallway suddenly turned on; by the dim orange light, Anne could clearly see the figure's face.   The man stared at her and sighed, "You scared the hell out of me, Anne."   Ray's gentle voice claimed Anne instantly. But soon, Anne's expression transformed into confusion once more.   "Why didn't you go up the apartment?"    "I didn't have the key."   "I put the key in your suitcase myself before you left for Korea. I told you to take it with you dozens of times! Did you lose it?"   "I must have…."   Ray's expression was odd, and Anne could now see what Ken was referring to.   Instead of having a romantic evening with Anne, Ray went to bed early, making up an excuse that he was too tired.   Anne was upset and could not sleep, so she started at Ray as he gently snored. It was then that a terrible suspicion arose in her mind.                         
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