Chapter 16 – Missing Persons

1289 Words

  Cafes were always busy, and The Hill was at the heart of the city. Yet, no one else walked in after Luke, which left him feeling uncomfortable. "I'm not…." “Yes, that company does exist, but you are definitely not the vice president.” Ken was not going to allow Luke to refine his story. Therefore, there was no reason for Luke to continue the charade. "When did you find out?" Luke asked as he downed the last few sips of his coffee. He had nervously drunk it but then felt dizzy and couldn’t clearly hear what Ken was saying. "Since the first time I met you,” Ken smiled. Ken hadn't touched his coffee; he just sat watching Luke intently. Luke's dizziness became worse, and his eyes felt so heavy that he couldn't keep them open. Just outside of the box, the waiter took off his hat and wa

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