Chapter 14 The Active Container

1106 Words

  There was a faint sound as the green liquid rushed out, and a small, downward vortex formed in the drainage pipe at the bottom of the container. "All the more reason why you can't take this God’s Container with you. It’s too dangerous if her body decays… you said it yourself; they will only be safe when submerging in the solution," Ray said in a weak voice. “Do you want to be in it too?” Ray froze, dared not to respond.   “Seven days!” Sue stated. "What?" "Her body will be recovered within seven days, and I know where to find more 'divine water' when we get out. We can get there in time.” "For real?" "Yes!” Sue was a little annoyed by Ray's paranoia, and as far as she was concerned, the only priority was to get her daughter out. She didn't care why such an experiment was carried

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