4- "How unprofessional!"

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“Really? You did that, Dahlia?” Jannah was so amazed after I told her what I did. We had a video call, so I told her about it, and that I took my little revenge by showing that man he couldn’t simply bully me. I nodded proudly. “Wow! You made me proud, my friend!” she complimented. “Thanks, friend. Thank you for that wonderful advice of yours. It was a good thing I listened to you and considered your words. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to get even to that shameless man!” “As long as you always listen to me, and you know that the advice I give you works!” I agreed, “Yeah. It’s wonderful that you’re guiding me, especially in things like this, where I must be a fighter. Thank you, my friend! I appreciate it!” “Sure. Anytime, dear. If you need my suggestions again, don’t hesitate to call and tell me. I will always be here to help you. You know that.” “And that’s a hundred percent true. I couldn’t be more grateful for having such a bright friend like you, Jannah! Love you!” “Love you, sis!” A week had passed, and I accompanied her to the airport as she was going abroad for a week-long business trip there. “Take good care there, and don’t forget to enjoy your trip, alright?” I reminded her gently. She smiled and nodded. “Yes, I will.” “Yohann and I will watch over you when you get home,” I joked. She chuckled. “Anyway, you already know the task, Dahlia. Your meeting with a potential investor is scheduled for tomorrow. You have to do your best to convince him to invest his money in our company,” she reminded me about work. “Don’t worry about that anymore. I’ll take care of it. We will eventually get that rich man’s investment, trust me.” She nodded, believing in me and my capacity for business matters. “I know. There’s no doubt. I know you can do it, and we can get a lot of investment from that big-time businessman. We must.” That afternoon came, and I would meet the potential investor of Peach Essentials and Cosmetics. I arrived at the VIP dining room we booked, where we would meet and talk so I could tell him the details he needed to know and, at the same time, persuade him to put his investment in our business that would be safe. He would benefit significantly after just a few years. I was sitting and waiting. Thirty minutes before the set time, I arrived at the venue. I am used to coming before the agreed time to show punctuality and especially my seriousness in negotiating for business. I can’t seem to figure out why I feel differently now. I’ve never been like this before because often, I’m just calm and easy. I’m even confident that I can get prospective investors to say yes right away, but this time, I don’t know where that strange nervousness is coming from. Or maybe I’m just really pressured because, if I’m not mistaken, as far as I remember, Jannah mentioned that this person handles not just one but many big businesses locally and internationally, so perhaps that’s why. This one’s a billionaire. He owns and runs his group of companies. Time passed, and fifteen minutes from what was discussed, he still hadn’t arrived. Despite getting more and more pressured, I kept calm and composure. Anyway, it’s normal for them to be late, and I said I’m used to it, so I can wait. Besides, they’re businessmen, and they have busy schedules every day, so it’s understandable and shouldn’t be considered a big deal. But my patience and understanding are also limited because it’s been an hour, and no one is showing up. I can’t stop getting annoyed. Is this person I’m meeting with really a businessman and professional? Why is it taking so long? If he’s only half an hour late from the agreed meeting time, it’s okay, and I’ll understand, but it’s been an hour already! I don’t even have a hint if he will come or if he won’t show up! I also have other things to do than this, so I hope he will also be timewise and follow our meeting time! He didn’t have any of his contact details or any other way so that I could call him or his secretary and ask if he was coming and if I was still waiting for someone because if not, I had to go. I also had plenty of things to take care of! When my patience was completely gone, I stood up and arranged my things in preparation to leave. If he doesn’t come, and he wants me to do nothing, then fine! I’ll go, too! I’ll tell Jannah later that he didn’t come, and someone like him who can’t meet the agreed time is not a loss for our company. There are other giant companies and more affluent business people around who have a lot of interest in putting their money into us, not just those who don’t know how to value other people’s time! I stood up and looked for my phone in my bag to send a message to Jannah to inform her that the person we were expecting to meet today did not show up, so no meeting happened. But before I could do that, I heard the door of the VIP dining room open, and the attendant guarding the entrance was talking to someone. “This way, Sir.” “Thank you.” I heard footsteps walking closer to my back. I was still busy writing a message to Jannah, so I didn’t pay attention. “Excuse me, Miss. Are you Dahlia Levine?” That’s when I put my cell phone down, and though I hadn’t finished my message for Jannah yet, I faced him. “Yes. I am—” I was literally taken aback when I saw his face, and I immediately recognized that he was familiar! “You?!” We even exclaimed together. How could I forget that face? He’s no besides that shameless man in the parking lot! We were both shocked and couldn’t believe that we would meet again, and right here in this place! I thought what happened in the parking lot would be the first and only time I would see his annoying face. I never expected I would see him again! “What are you doing here? Why are you here?” I asked, and then I stopped when I realized something. “Don’t tell me you’re the—” “Right,” he cut me off. “I’m the business tycoon, the owner, founder, and CEO of Holistic Thriving Group of Companies, eagerly awaiting to invest millions in the company you seem to work for.” He looked at me from head to toe. “But now, I think I’ve changed my mind. I’m no longer interested in doing business with Peach Essentials and Cosmetics.” “Fine! You’re not a loss for us, for your information, mister! Many other bigger people in the business are interested in investing in us, not only you, so don’t think too highly of yourself! Besides, I can’t even stand talking to someone who has no respect and is even inconsiderate of other people’s time! Look, our agreed meeting was at noon, but you arrived here at one eight in the afternoon? You’re one hour late! How unprofessional!” His jaw dropped at my tongue’s frankness. And I would not regret it! “Did you just dare to call me unprofessional?” “Yes! Why? Do you disagree with it? Well, to tell you, you’re unprofessional! Inconsiderate! Disrespectful! Remember how you treated me a few days back in the parking space? Now, you arrived at our meeting one hour and eight minutes late from when the meeting should’ve started!” “Damn!” he cursed in irritation. “But haven’t you got even with me when you caused my wheel to flatten that day? You had given me a hard time, too, to leave that place!” I raised my brow a bit. I did that because he deserved it. He shouldn’t use that against me because he caused me inconvenience at first. I just reciprocated his gesture to make him taste a dose of his medicine! Just make sure you won’t regret this, and you will not beg me on your knees, asking me to rethink upon investing in Peach Essentials and Cosmetics.” “Of course! As I’ve said, it’s your loss, not ours! Now, I think we don’t have anything to talk about anymore. This meeting has been canceled, and we will no longer be able to negotiate with you!” After spitting those sharp words in his face, I marched out of the restaurant, and I kept my head held high! I shouldn’t be wasting my time on that kind of shameless man!
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