5 - Broken

2055 Words
Jason  Ever since that night after getting my rank, when I was watching that weasel of an Omega and Luder forcefully took over and caused us to shift, we haven’t been speaking, and it’s driving me insane. I don’t even understand why she was crying. Was it because her plan didn’t work and she didn’t get her way? I swear I could see actual hurt and sincere tears, but I guess if you’re motivated enough, any failure will hurt like a b***h. And a b***h she is for thinking she can con her way into becoming an important leader of the Crescent Moon pack. Goddess knows what her end game with Marie was, or maybe still is. I just hope that annoying cousin of mine stays the f**k away from that Omega stalker. For some weird reason I never really liked Marie, I’ve always had a strange feeling about her and I could never quite read her. Now I realise it was just a bit of ‘sibling jealousy’ because I had been an only child, the apple of my parents’ eyes, and when poor little orphan Marie came to live with us, I was mostly second for my parents’ attention. My birthday was a few days ago and the stupid mutt put up walls so strong that I wasn’t even able to see if my mate was in the Crescent Moon pack or not. Although I am almost sure she wasn’t there. Surely, Luder would have made a spectacle out of meeting his mate and would have claimed her on the spot. Being an Alpha everything is heightened to the boiling point, and no matter how broody he’s feeling (Goddess only knows the reason for that) Luder would have gone all crazy about making sure everyone knows she’s ours. Maybe it’s for the best. I mean now I can actually focus on Alpha training and not mess this up. I have 3 months on Alpha training alone, then my Beta will join me for his training also. Altogether I will be at the Academy for 6 months and Brian will be here for 3 months, then we will both return to the pack and work alongside our fathers, the current Alpha and Beta of the Crescent Moon pack. It will hopefully make it all come to a smooth transition when me and Brian take over once I’ll turn 19. Against my better judgement, I decide to text the she Devil. Jason “Hey, do me a favour and stay away from that Omega, that you insist on calling your best friend.” Marie “What is to you?” Jason “I wouldn’t want mom to be upset if something were to happen to you.” I can practically feel her eyes roll from here, through the phone. Marie “I can take care of myself.” I toss the phone away annoyed. Geez, so much for trying to be a good guy. It always comes back to bite you in the ass. I’m sure Marie will be fine. She’s under my father’s watchful eye most of the time, and I already told Brian to keep an eye on her at school. Well, I told Brian to keep an eye on Sam too, she might become frustrated and act out, attack Marie, even. Truth be told, Marie is quite strong with being Alpha and all, but I don’t know what juice that Omega drank, because the very few times I’ve seen her fight, she kicked some serious ass. I’ll just check in with Brian. I really hate how stupid I’m being with feeling lonely at the Academy and with missing the life back home. Doesn’t help either that the Academy where my Alpha training is being held is in the United States, and let me tell you, there is one hell of a language barrier. I almost shifted and ripped the head out of the very annoying lady that is serving lunch in the cafeteria. I asked for f*****g chips with my burger and she threw me a pack of crisps. What the hell is wrong with these people? I really need to get laid and chill out a bit. Maybe I’ll go explore the campus a bit after Brian reports the situation back home. Picking up my phone again I text Brian. Jason “What’s up B? You good?” Brian “Just peachy, Alpha.” I roll my eyes even though Brian can’t see me. He must be expecting that kind of reaction from me. Jason “What’s the deal with your cousin?” Brian “Sam? X_x” Jason “Is there another cousin of yours that recently ranked Omega and may be stirring up pack drama amongst our generation?” Brian “Sam’s taken care of, Alpha. Doubt she’ll be a problem, judging by the lesson Rianna taught her today. Check this out. Are you sure that little fox is not your mate? Cause damn, she put Sam in her place.” I frown, my eyebrow knitting together, and Luder is being annoying again, showing up in my mind for the first time since that night. I start typing a reply to Brian, but I quickly notice the video he sent in his text has loaded. I click play and watch how Rianna approaches Sam’s table from behind and drops a plate of something red on Samantha’s head. I see red when f*****g Timothy and Roger hold Sam down while Rianna beats her up. What the f**k is wrong with them, there’s so much blood. 3 against one, that’s hardly a fair fight. I can barely contain Luder now, but the strange thing is that this rage is not only his, is mine also. I am beyond pissed at what Rianna and those two idiots did. The Omega did nothing to provoke them. She was just sitting there with Marie, chatting, minding her own damn business. Marie… why the hell didn’t she alert Sam? I can see it clearly on the video that Marie noticed Rianna approach, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what stunt she was about to pull. Are they also bullying Marie? How did I miss all this while I was there? I have to talk to Brian about seriously keeping an eye on Marie. I should talk to dad also and ask him to tell Marie everything that he knows about Samantha Bailey. I still don’t understand why my family allowed Sam into our home after knowing her obsession with Marie. Or maybe they just found out, but the point is, someone should tell Marie to stay away. As much as I dislike the she Devil, she is an Alpha and she is my cousin. She is my blood and mom will be devastated if anything happened to even disturb a hair on her head. Looks like she’s the target of every high school aged she wolf in our pack. Oh man, this is going to be a long and stressful 6 months. Samantha The darkness is slowly starting to fade away, making room for the light that eventually takes over. And by that I mean I slowly opened my eyes and squinted painfully because of the fluorescent light shining straight into my retina. I groan and move slightly, expecting a wave of pain to hit as a result of the epic beating I took, but surprisingly there’s nothing. No pain, I mean, because I can feel my muscles a bit stiff and achy, but nothing that can’t be fixed with a few minutes of stretching. Unfortunately, there’s nothing that can be done to my badly bruised ego, or self esteem for that matter. I’m officially the bullied Omega of the pack, the lowest of the low, as Rianna kindly proved at lunch. “Feeling better?” My head snaps into the direction of where the voice came from. I see the school nurse sitting at a small desk in the corner of the room, glasses down as she is gazing just above them, a book in her hand. “Surprisingly so, yes. Thank you, for everything.” I feel a blush creeping on my cheeks since I understood I’m not alone in the room. She smiles kindly and puts the book down removing her glasses completely. They must only be for reading. As she approached me, she takes her stethoscope l, and I nod removing the blanket I now see was covering me. Well, thank Goddess I’m not naked, although my clothes are dirty and bloody and I reek of tomato sauce mixed with blood. “Well, you seem to have healed completely. And that only took you, what? Less than 3 hours? That’s quite impressive, Miss Bailey. For an Omega, at least.” She says that last part almost as a whisper only meant for herself, but I catch it either way. The pang of hurt and frustration towards my rank, is that it is imbedded into my very core, rises to the surface again and it refuses to leave me. “Thanks again, I’m going to head out. I think I missed detention for today.” I chuckle nervously and wonder why the hell did I just tell her that. “I wrote you a sick note. No need to go to detention after class. I stated that you will need physiotherapy to recover.” She winks at me, a playful smile appearing on her lips. “Thanks again. I guess I owe you one.” My cheeks burn red with what I just said, but I try to act casually as I make my way out of the nurse’s office. I must have a contusion on something, I need to pull myself together and speak like a normal person. “I’ll hold you up to that, Miss Bailey!” I heard her say after I already closed the door. I calmly walk the school hallways until I get to the girl’s locker room. Thankfully the last period has ended and there’s only the students who have detention. I peek inside to make sure there’s no one around, and I make my way to my locker taking out a change of clothes and the small towel I keep in there. I guess this will have to make do. I take a shower washing away the sauce that stained my hair and my top and try my best to wash the clothes while in the shower. All with just the shower gel and the soap I found in the dispensers scattered around the locker room. I stop mid way and start sobbing at the pathetic situation I am in. At the pathetic she wolf that I am. A complete waste of space. When did I go from being a daughter, a friend, a respected pack member to this broken, rejected and bullied Omega? What past sins do I have to deserve this s**t show displaying myself as the lead character? After my mental breakdown I take a deep breath and slap myself, yes, I mean literally ‘slap myself’ back to reality. This is what I’ve been dealt, so I have to make it work some way or another. While trying my best to dry off my clothes under the hand driers, I let my mind drift to my mate. I wonder who he will be, and how will he be? Will he be kind, strong, loving? I can’t wait to meet him. I’m about 6 months from being 18 and officially able to recognise my mate. I kind of hope he’s not part of this pack, because I am not exactly Miss Congeniality around here lately. In fact, It would be amazing for him to be from another pack so I can just go away with him and start our life together, leaving all this mess and heartache behind. It occurs to me that since I’m an Omega now, I might not get that many chances to meet with wolves from another pack, so I will have to go on neutral land myself in the hopes that I find him. That is, if he doesn’t reject me like my parents did. Goddess, I hope he will accept me and take me away, I don’t think I could handle another rejection.
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