Accepting Fate

2890 Words

Once Marcus hears about what happened to me, he’s knocking at my door sooner than I text him that I’m fine. He practically feels me up from every corner to make sure that I’m actually not hurt. He’s behaving in a way I’ve never seen before. Usually, he’s pretty chill about the werewolf-vampire relationship. But now that he knows that my own vampiric grandparents tried to send me to the other world, he’s completely furious. He’s on the verge of walking straight into the Strigon Residence and biting their heads off. It’s not a pretty picture. “Don’t be crazy, I told you I’m protected. My dad and I found a way for me to go on with my life without any risk. They can’t touch me,” I tell him, trying to assure him that I can’t be harmed by anyone from the Strigon family. But I don’t tell him h

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