New Change New Life
Past ( last year)
My parents decided to sell the home they started building before I was even born to make things easier for me after I got my heart broken by my childhood friend and first boyfriend. His name I will not mention as I want to forget him. We moved 2 hours away to a small little town away from my grandmother, and all my friends, they are now a part of my past that I want nothing to do with. My new home was smaller then my last house but my bedroom was in the basement with my own bathroom. We moved a few weeks before school had started so I had time to get adjusted and hopefully meet people.
School had started and before I knew it had made new friends. Fist was Jess, tall, blonde, blue eyes, and her boyfriend Austin, dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, and meant for each other, then there was Zack lived down the road from me he has dark brown curly hair and hazel eyes, kinda on the short side, but that meant nothing to me as I'am short my self. Which brings me to well myself, my name is Sammy, long dark brown hair, brown eyes. We were always all together. Zack seen the house had sold as he lived down the road from me, a day before school started he came to my house introduced himself, we sat on the front steps talking which seemed like forever but he seemed very friendly and something about him made me feel like we would become close and I was right.
A year has gone by since I moved and this past year has been the best year I can not thank my parents enough for doing this for me.
Jess and I were tanning on the beach talking about the new school year starting in just a few days and we are starting grade 11, the yearly bon fire is tomorrow night, it's my first year being included. We were interrupted by cold water, Zack and Austin decided to splash us. Jess runs after Austin, he manages to pick her up and throw her into the water. Zack plops down next me to me " The water is nice, we should join them" Zack says as he's pulling me up.I sigh and get up. As we get into the water I jump onto Zack making him fall in the water. Jess hops on Austin's back, and I hop on Zack's we decide to try and knock each other off. Once we got cold and pruney we decided to call it there and head home and meet up after we showered, changed, and ate.
I got to Zack's just before dark.Jess, and Austin were not here yet, I was greeted by Zack's older brother Blake, who looked like Zack but older, he just graduated this year and is leaving for college, day after tomorrow. Blake was sitting on the step drinking a cold bud light. "Hey Sammy, nice to see you again, Zack is upstairs" he said. " Hey Blake, thanks" I replied heading through the door. Zack's room was super cozy with a couch in it against the window, with the 40" tv mounted on the wall facing the couch,with a nightstand and his bed to the right of the couch, Zack was already picking out a movie to watch as I came through the bedroom door. "Hey, looks like you beat everyone else here" he said. " Seems that way" I replied with a smile on my face. Zack was my best friend, and meant everything to me. Jess and Austin appeared through the door, " Sorry,mom was asking her usual where are you going, and how long you going to be out for questions" Jess said with a sigh. " All good, I just got here a few minutes ago" I said. We all sat on the couch and watched Children of the Corn, I love horror movies, and Zack has a wide collection of them. Jess on the other hand does not care for horror movies, but she ends up making out with Austin most of the time anyway.
The movie ended, and Austin drove Jess home, Zack walked me to my 2010 dark blue chevy 2 door cobalt. "I guess after tomorrow, we will go back to hanging out on the weekends" Zack says looking at the ground. "Yeah, I'm bummed summer's over, but it was the best summer ever, with the road trips, tubing down the river, camping, BBQ's, and the chill nights too watching movies, or sitting around a little fire"I replied. "But makes me excited for next summer" with a smile. He smiled back at me and moved closer to me putting his arm around me, pulling me in for a hug. I hugged him back, Zack always gave the best hugs always made me feel safe. "I will pick you up at 8 for the bon fire tomorrow night" he says letting me go. "Okay, I will be ready, see you then" I got into my car and drove home, while he was standing in his driveway watching me.