The Innovation By The Riverside

244 Words
Seth awakens, full of energy. Excited, curious and ready to investigate the commotion taking place. Excited and ready to see what the nights fishing trap has harvested. Responding to his dog, Ralph. Ralph must have wandered over to check the trap, to discover a fish weighing about 2 pounds and 2 crabs that must be a pound or so a peice. The excitement brough Seth to his feet. Excited about the newly innovated fish trap thrilled him. For there must be success, why else would Ralph be barking in excitement? Seth though. Seth is a young village boy that lives in a small village with his family and the remainder of the tribe. Seth Is a only son and is 12 years old. Seth has friends his own age that really cares for him, however he often feels left out due to his lack of connections, and often lacking ability of connect with his peers. Naturally more Mature in nature and often isolated from his surroundings. When playing or creating with his friends, he often finds it difficult to connect. Not being able to relate with some of the things that are said, done or ideas brought up by the others. He often times, spends time alone with his dog or tending to the village animals as apart of his weekly rituals and or daily chores. The day before, they completed the reengineering of a fish trap design created by tribal elders long ago. 
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