In the Meantime

1613 Words

Stephanie POV I was sitting in my room doing my homework. Graduation was coming up real soon and I wanted to get into UCLA. That was my dream school. I was excited to go.I was going into nursing and they had a good program. I was typing away on my laptop when I was getting a video chat request. I didnt know who the request was from but I decided to answer it. I accepted it and when it opened I saw my mom and dad. "Mom!! Dad!!" I screamed. I was so happy to see them. "Aww look at my babygirl growing up to be such a beautiful girl." My mom said with a huge smile. "How are you sweetie?" My dad asked. "Im alright. How is your vacation?" I asked them. "It's going good. We should be back by your graduation." Mom said. "Yay!! I miss you guys." I said truthfully. Although I loved living in

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