This Is f****d Up

1156 Words

Stephanie POV I watched as Makayla just walked passed us and headed to her class. She must have been pretty upset. Its been two weeks going on to three weeks since she's talked to anyone. And its been affecting us. "Stephanie when is-" "Leave her alone. She'll come to us." I said to Leah while taking out my chemistry textbook. "But its been two weeks!" Dreanne shrieked."We need to do something." "Dreanne listen to me. Nothing you'll do will make her talk to us faster." She gave me an evil grin. "What the hell you thinking about??" "I'll tell you with everyone at after school." She said. I looked at her. I'm just hoping that its nothing stupid or to hurt Makayla. ------ "So we kidnap her?" Andrew asked. "Yup. Take her to the old trap house and make her talk." Dreanne said. "Aiight

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