Chapter Three

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DANTE. I glared at the three good for nothing wolves kneeling before me. I looked at all the people gathered in the hall to witness their punishment for their betrayal to the pack. “What did you say?” I asked with my voice loud and clear, and that brought shivers to their spine. “Alpha, we are sorry. Please have mercy on us.” The first one pleaded and I scoffed. Mercy. That word isn’t in my vocabulary or dictionary, I don’t and will not show mercy. Showing mercy only means that you are weak and not in control, you do everything with strategy and strength, not mercy. “Mercy.” I chuckled and stared at them, one after the other. These wolves committed treason against the pack, putting every wolf in danger by giving secrets out to the other rival packs, not once, not twice, but countless times. I stepped back, watching them closely to see if they were gonna change and come clean to me, but they proved me wrong by opening the borders for those rogues. I stared at them the last time, they were by far my best soldiers, and they decided to bite the hand that fed them. “Lucas, Williams and Greg, from today henceforth you are banned from blood moon pack, and you are to evacuate this instant with effect.” I barked out, and their eyes widened in shock, confusion, or anger. I don’t know, and I don’t want to know. “Alpha, please. Another chance, please give us another chance.” Lucas begged. I turned to Fred, my beta, and he nodded. He stepped forward with two other guards as they took hold of their hands, dragging them out of the hall and pack, with their screams and begs flooding the hall. I turned to everyone in the hall. Some were in shock, while others had the ‘they deserved it’ look. “This will serve as a warning to others who intend or have the intention to betray me. I’m not one who shows pity or mercy, I deal with anything brutally and banishing them is too little. I had the mind to hang them alive, but I want this to be a warning to everyone.” I stared at them again before continuing. “I as the Alpha, make sure to keep you guys safe from attacks, but I won’t sit still and let a member of my pack tarnish or jeopardize my plans.” I stepped down from the podium and walked out of the hall in anger. I entered my office and sat on my chair, sighing loudly. A knock on the door brought my out of my thoughts, and I knew immediately who was on the other side. “Come in, Alessia.” I sat up straight as the door opened, revealing Alessia with a smile. “Hey.” She called, walking in. “Hey.” I answered her and watched as she took a seat. “Are you okay?” I asked, and I sighed. “Am fine.” I lied and with the look, she gave to me showed she didn’t buy my lie. “Tell me the truth, Dante.” She ordered, and I smiled at her serious form. She looks so cute when she is angry. “Okay am not fine, I’m doing everything to secure their future and safety but all they want is power. They are selfish and filled with greed, and I don’t want anyone like that in my pack.” I ranted out, frustrated. I watched as she stood up and moved round the mahogany table to my side. She placed her hand on my shoulder with a smile on her face. “You are doing everything you can for the best interest of this pack, Dante. Don’t let those little wolves who are hungry seekers to make you down, you can do anything to protect your family and pack.” She said, and I sighed, before nodding. A knock came on the door and since I’ve already perceived who it was, I ushered him in. Fred, my beta, walked in with a grim look. “I made sure they rejected their connection to the pack and also left the borders.” He said and I nodded. That’s good I don’t want anything to bring more trouble to innocent wolves. “Don’t think too much of it Dante, you know you’re doing your best and if those wolves are so ready to put their mates and families in danger, then I don’t see why to not banish them.” Fred said, and I smiled. “Thanks bud.” I tapped his shoulder and he groans. Fred hates getting pats or hugs from other people, I wonder if he wasn’t going to hug his mate when he finds one. Fred has been like a brother to me since we were in diapers, we did almost everything together. Fought together, trained together, and I can even remember both of us fighting over a girl at our teenage, stupid right, but it was worth the fun and anytime we think about it, we always laugh at our childishness. Fred was the son of my dad’s beta, Cornell, and he officially became my beta when I claimed the seat of an Alpha. “Don’t do that again, Alpha.” He growled, dusting his shirt like I have an infectious disease. I smiled. “Since you’re okay, I can leave now.” Alessia said, rolling her eyes at us, as she walked out. “Always a work, huh.” Fred asked, and I knew he was talking about Alessia. “Tell me about it.” I sigh, sitting on my seat again. “What are the casualties of those scumbag's alliance.” I asked going back to business. The playful Dante is gone, now am the ever serious Alpha, Alessia’s words not mine. “We were able to stop the rogues before they could cross the border…” He paused, why do I sense that there is a but coming. I stare at him to continue, and he breathes out loudly before going on. “But we weren’t aware two sneaked in, they killed four of our guards, two females and a pup.” I banged my hands on the table. “Who were the guards in charge of guarding the pack house?” I asked through gritted teeth. I was angry, so angry that I could pull this building down. Furthermore, I should have killed those fuckers, making them rogues was too small. “Carlson and Troy Alpha.” He replied. “Get them to my office now.” He stood and mind linked them. “They’re on their way, Alpha.” Two minutes later, a knock came on the door and, as usual, I asked them to come in. “Alpha.” They both greetedeach. I stared at the two trembling guards in my front. “Who oversaw guiding the gate of the pack house?” I asked, and they both stared at each other before replying. “I was Alpha.” Troy replies. Good. “Troy, for your negligence and incompetence, you will go the dudgeon and receive fifty strokes of a metal Cain, is that clear.” I ordered “Yes Alpha.” He bowed, and I waved for them to leave. I turned to Fred. “Is there anything else to say.” He shook his head. “Fred, take two bags of gold and visit each family of the deceased.” He nods before moving out. Those bastards better pray I shouldn’t meet them anywhere because if I do, they wouldn’t see the dawn of another day.
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