Chapter One

1364 Words
ANDREA. Living a life as an omega in the pack has never been easy. Sometimes I do wonder why we are born,’myself especially’ and the most ironic part is that I didn’t meet my mom. I didn’t meet her to show some love to me or comfort me when I feel down;sometimes I blame the moon goddess for my misfortune, but every one says it was my fault my mom died, so I got to suffer for it. I’m Andrea Carlson, a wolf-less omega and an orphan. I don’t know how and why I became an orphan because I didn’t see or know my parents, the pack also knows nothing about them. It was like I came down from the heaven with no parents, sometimes the pack feels familiar and another times it’s feels like there is something holding back my memory, but I’m not certain. In the crescent moon pack omega are treated more like slaves, talk more of a wolf-less omega like me, we were forced to labor hard with no or little food. I’ve always had a dream where I would get my wolf, a mate from another pack and leave this godforsaken pack, but who am I kidding at eighteen, I still haven’t gotten my wolf, and it kind of hurts and anytime I think about it, it’s makes me more angry at the moon goddess. “Andrea, Andrea.” Ma'am Christine, the head maid of the pack, called. “Yes ma’am, good morning ma’am.” I greeted tucking my long black hair behind my ear, that is the only thing I Thank the goddess for, my straight black hair that stops at my ass and my beautiful face and curves. “By the goddess, What’s wrong with you?, you’ve been spacing out too much this morning.” she said with an irritated face. “I’m sorry Miss Christine.” I replied shyly. “The Luna asking to see you now.” she relied her message from the ‘Luna’. “Okay, I am going now.” I walked out of the kitchen to the second floor and when I got to her room I knocked and heard a ‘come in’ so I opened the door and walked in. The room is always a mess, I don’t want to think about what the Alpha and Luna are doing at night. “Good morning, Luna, you called me.” I said, bowing my head slightly because the last time I stared at her, I was whipped and only the thoughts give me goosebumps. “As you know, there is a celebration tomorrow.” she paused, and I nodded, which was absolutely wrong because the next thing I received was a slap. “And how many times have I told you to reply with your word and not nod your head like a fool.” she scorned. “Am sorry Luna.” I apologized with a shaky voice. “I want you to make sure all preparations are ready by tomorrow.” she said, and I almost replied key word ‘almost’ Am not the head maid, Christine is, so why aren’t you giving her the instructions instead.’ That was the words I almost blurted out. “Yes, Luna.” I said, facing the floor and staring at my worn out shoes like the most interesting thing in the world. “You can leave now.” “Thanks Luna.” I scurried out and as soon as I locked the door I breathe a sigh of relief. Luna lily is very scary, and sporadically I think that the name ‘lily’ is too pure and innocent for a monster like her, she needs a better name that fits her ways, for example Medusa. Medusa is nice because everyone cowered around her and turned to stone when they saw her hair, but Luna lily own is her eyes. I completed my tasks for the day and went back to my old cramped room tiredly, all my body ached from strenuous work. I felt lightheaded and all I could think about was to get on my already damaged bed to get a good night's rest to prepare for tomorrow’s work. I slumped on my bed with a sigh and closed my eyes, going to my dreamland. Next morning. The door to my room, which was literally a basement, opened jerking me out of my sleep and Lilith the alpha’s daughter poked her head in with a frown on her face. “And why are you still in your room?” she asked when she saw me in the bed lying down. “Am down with a cold Lilith” I replied with a shaky voice. I know with how tired I was last night, I will surely fall sick. “And how is that my business Andrea, you are supposed to be outside with the other maids getting the preparation for my brother’s ceremony ready” she yelled, walking in and yanked the little piece of cloth from my body. “You must stand up and join those maids outside, you weak omega” I signed tiredly. It isn't my fault that am an omega or that I don’t have a wolf at eighteen. “What on earth are you daydreaming about Andrea, if you don’t want father to hear about this you better get yourself out now” a cold shiver ran than my spine. Alpha Jason isn’t someone to mess with;he is the Alpha of the second-largest pack, the crescent moon pack. He is respected by all Alphas around the r world and every pack member fears him not to mention a lowly omega like me. A sting on my cheeks broke my thoughts and I winced. “You lowly b***h, how dare you, when I talk to you;you are expected to reply me is that clear.” “Yes Lilith” I replied, trying to hold my tears am not going to give her the joy of seeing me cry. “And it’s princess Lilith to you.” “Yes princess Lilith” I replied quickly, and she glared at me for a while before walking out. I signed deeply again and followed her out. Werewolves are not supposed to fall sick, we are immune to cold. Our body is always warm but since my wolf refused to come on my seventeenth birthday, so I always fall sick like this cold am down with. The crescent moon pack is holding a ball for the next Alpha of the pack, which is Nicholas, the apple of the Alpha and Luna's eyes. Nicholas is charming with those sexy green eyes, small pink lips and long eyelashes and all the unmated wolves wished to be mated to him, even me, I guess they will get the chance tonight because he’s also choosing his Luna and mate tonight and all the unmated werewolves (both male and female) will also be opportune to meet their mate. “Andy, what are you busy staring at?” Sarah,my best friend, also an omega, whispered. “Umm nothing, when did you get here?” I asked with a little hint of blush on my cheeks. “Five minutes ago when you were so engrossed in whatever you were thinking about.” she said with an eye roll. “Am sorry, let’s go before princess Lilith finds us doing nothing for the ball.” I said and dragged her hand out of the room, and we walked out to meet the open field of the pack which was huge,it will contain all the packs in our continent and as if the universe knew who I was thinking about a few minutes ago, I saw him;Nicholas training in the field with his best friend Jackson and future beta if he becomes the Alpha and boy did I say he looks yummy, especially when he’s training with those trails of sweats running down those massive abs which I sometimes think it’s too massive for his age. Sarah pokes me and I turned to her to see a scowl on her face, I gave her an apologetic smile and continued walking.
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