
1608 Words
Prologue. Sounds of footsteps and humming could be heard in the forest. The wind blowing was refreshing to the young lad walking in the forest, she was an explorer as she called herself and when she had the opportunity to leave her little pack, she took it and left as quickly as possible. Little Andrea walked with a giant smile on her face as she stared at the plants, animals, and nature in fascination. One thing about her was that she was a nature lover, and coming out after being ‘locked up’ was a bliss to her. Her giggles filled the dark quiet forest as she passed touching the fresh leaves which were wet from the previous morning rain, she was happy to be out of her pack and the squinting gaze of her parents, especially her mother. Being the Alpha’s daughter doesn’t sit too well for Andrea, she was told never to leave the pack without her guards or a warrior at least, which wasn’t pleasant to her at all and being the rebel she was, she always breaks the rules by going out for some time and returning to the pack like nothing happened. Lost in oblivion to what’s happening in her surroundings, Andrea didn’t hear the rattling of leaves. She was still daydreaming when something hopped out of the bush, startling her. She with wide eyes shouted in fright when the thing hopped out. “What do you want from me?” She asked, still covering her eyes, but when she got no reply or anything, she removed her hands, looking at the empty dark forest. Furthermore, she breathes a sigh of relief when she saw no one, but as she faced her front she saw a little cute white rabbit. “Hey Mr., or are you a girl?” She asked and giggled at her question. She patted the fur of the bunny with a wide smile, but that changed when she heard howls from the other side of the forest. She stood up immediately and searched for any sign of danger before walking to her pack’s border, but before getting there, two wolves blocked her part. She shifted back in fright, and even though she didn’t have her wolf, she could tell they were rogue with the rotten smell oozing from them. “Stay away from me.” She ordered with a stuttering voice, but that made the wolves to snarl and bark more. One moved close to her and hit her with his nozzle, she hit the floor with her ass and groaned in pain. “I said leave me alone, you rotten wolf.” She yelled and picked a stick up, trying to hit the wolf with it. Two more wolves appeared and one changed to his human form before approaching her, when he got close to her, he squatted down and held her chin tightly. Andrea was afraid of the massive man holding her chin, with a long scary mark on his face, neck, and hand. “A beautiful one you're, aren’t you.” He asked, rubbing his other hand on her body with a psychopath smile. “P… Please don’t hurt me.” She stuttered trying to get away from him, but the man held her down. “Not so fast, pretty.” He brought his face closer and sniffed her. He paused. “Alpha’s blood, huh.” He chuckles and brought her face closer to his. “You will be a good trade pretty, and a good trade means a lot of money. A lot of money means more riches.” He added and stared at the three other wolves. “Boys change and take her.” He orders standing up. “No..... no, please.” Andrea screamed, trying to get out of his hold. “Behave yourself princess, I am not hurting you because I need your beautiful face. But don’t let me change my mind.” He looked at her before nodding to his boys, who nods back at him, then picked her up. She thrashed and screamed for help, even though she was helpless because nobody could be seen in the gloomy dark forest. “Save your voice, pretty.” The massive man said. As they turned to leave, they were stopped by another voice. “Let the girl go.” They all paused before turning to see the intruder. The intruder was no victim there than a little boy of sixteen- seventeen years. “And if I say no boy?” The massive man asked, and the boy scoffed. “I won’t repeat myself twice, rogue. Let the girl go.” He said calmly without blinking his eyes. “I want to avoid hurting you, boy, so go back to wherever you are coming from.” The massive man said, and the boy remained standing looking unfazed. “Fine, you asked for it.” He turned, and the other two wolves attacked the boy. But within a blink of an eye he took them down swiftly, with only blood on his clothes, no other injury or scratches. “WTF, who are you boy!” He exclaimed in anger, seeing his two best warriors dead on the floor didn’t sit well with him. “I told you before, let the girl go.” The calmness in his voice irritated the massive man more. “I am Asher, Alpha of the rogues, and I won’t let a little boy like you stain my name.” He roared, instilling fear in Andrea who cowered back in fright. “Come then.” The boy said, pointing his hand at him. RRRROOOOOAAAAARRR. He roared loudly before changing to his wolf. The boy also followed suit, although he was seventeen, he had gotten his wolf early. The two wolves collided, making the brown one fall down on his belly, he growled and stood up again bearing his teeth at the midnight black wolf who until now still looks calm. He attacked again but was brought down again, the did the same again and again until he couldn’t stand up again with more injuries. The midnight black wolf changed standing naked and stared at the brown wolf. “I told you to let her go.” He said and walked up to the girl, who by was now crying. The other rogue close to the girl moved quickly to rescue his Alpha, he dragged him to a hidden cave out of view. The boy didn’t pay attention to them, all his focus was on the little girl who was crying. “Hey.” He called out calmly and Andrea raised her head up with a cute pout on her face. “Are you okay?” He asked, and she nodded, sniffing lightly. “Can you go home now.” She nodded again. He helped her up and asked for the direction of her pack, she showed him and when they got to the border he stopped. “I need to go now, little girl.” He said and made to leave, but she held his hand not staring at him. He looked at her and asked. “Do you want to say something?” She nodded again, still not staring at him. “Go on.” He urged her. “W… What’s your name, hero.” She asked, still sniffing, and the boy laughed. “Hero, I'm not a hero, little girl. I just did what every other good wolf will do.” He said tenderly. “T… Tell me your name.” Andrea insisted, and the boy sighed. “Am Dant..... Daniel, Yes Daniel.” He rushed, and Andrea looked at him skeptically. “Are you lying.” She scowled at him. “No am not, my name is Daniel.” “Fine am Andr.....” She paused. “ANDREA.” Someone yelled, and she gasps, turning her head to the border frantically. “That’s your cue to leave now, right.” Daniel asked and she nodded solemnly. “What?, you don’t want to go home.” She shook her head, making Daniel smile at her cuteness. “Go home Andy.” “ANDREA.” Another voice yelled and this time, Daniel could see Andrea visibly shaken. “Bye Andy.” He moves but was stopped again. “Will I see you again?” She asked with a glint of hope in her eyes. “I don’t know Andy, only the future can tell. Bye.” He changed to his wolf form and ran at the speed of a thunder. Andrea sighed when she saw six people moving towards her. Her mother, father, best friend and her best friend’s parents with a guard. “Oh my baby.” Her mother ran and embraced her with tears coming out of her eyes. “Where did you go to, Andy, I thought we lost you? Please don’t do that again.” Her mother ranted on and on and Andrea hugged her back, also crying. The fight of almost being taken by rogues was still there. “Am sorry mum, I won’t leave the pack land again.” She apologized and faced her dad. “Am sorry dad.” Her dad nods and pulled her in a hug. “Good thing you are safe, baby.” She looked at her best friend who smiled at her, and she equally returned the smile. “Let’s go home, baby.” They all moved to the pack border, but Andrea turned back with a wish. “I hope to see you again hero.” She smiled weakly and followed her parents back to her pack.
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