Helena's Dreams

1362 Words
Helena closed her locker with a sigh, so many exams were coming up and she was so tired from all these strange dreams. “Whats wrong?” Asked Lucy, as she slid her books into her backpack. “You look really fed up.” Helena bit her lip, should she tell Lucy? They didn’t really have any secrets. “Let’s go up to the top field at lunchtime, I could do with some sunshine.” The bell rang for their next class and both girls headed down the corridor, parting ways at the end. Lucy had art, and Helena headed off to History, she loved learning about the past. Sitting down at her desk, she thought about last nights dream again. This time she had seen a black wolf change into a man and stand under a waterfall. Helena blushed, that wasn’t all he was doing. He was erm… n***d. “Helena?” A voice interrupted her thoughts and she felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. She hadn’t said anything out loud had she? “Helena….” Her teacher repeated, “Have you got your coursework?” “Oh!” She scrabbled around in her bag for her file. “Yes, here it is!” Her teacher looked at her quizzically, Helena wasn’t normally one for not paying attention, but she had been a little withdrawn recently. He shrugged to himself. Probably planning her 18th birthday. It was coming up very soon. Helena went back to thinking about last nights dream. She had felt a weird pull to this werewolf creature. It was almost like in her dream she was a werewolf too. She rolled her eyes. What was she even thinking? There’s no such thing. Its all just folklore. The lesson quickly passed and she headed towards the canteen for lunch. Other teenagers filling the hallways, jostling and shoving each other to get out for their lunch break. She stopped and turned to look back down the long corridor. She would miss it here when she left for university. In a small school everyone knew each other. She wasn’t looking forward to being in a big city at all. In the canteen she spotted Lucy in one of the dinner queues, waving at her, she joined the back of the line of the smallest queue, it wouldn’t take long. Hopefully. Finally Helena and Lucy met up with each other on the other side of the canteen. Heading across the yard they took their lunches up to the top field. It was above the sports pitch. The boys year from their were out playing rugby, laughing and shouting to each other. Helena flopped down onto the grass, Lucy quickly followed her. “So.” Lucy started, “You going to tell me now what’s getting you so weird at the moment?” Helena lay back and stared at the clouds. “I don’t even know really, it’s just silly.” Lucy lay back next to her. “You know nothing is silly to me.” Taking a deep breath, Helena started telling Lucy about her recent dreams. The black wolf, the weird feeling of connection. She looked over at Lucy. “So what do you think?” Leaning on her elbow, Lucy plucked at a blade of grass. “Honestly babe, I think its just a dream? Though you definitely have a crush on wolf guy!” Helena shrieked and Lucy tipped back her head and laughed loudly. “There’s no wonder that Adam doesn’t interest you!” Helena shoved Lucy. “Shush! You know sound travels outside!” Both girls fell back giggling. Helena felt better for talking it out with Lucy. She was right, it was just a silly dream! ****************************************************** The school bus dropped Helena off by her gate and bustled off into the distance. Looking out over the fields she could see her dad a couple of fields over with the sheepdogs and the sheep. She smiled, he never stopped, David Jones the Farmer. Friends with everyone he met. He had taken her everywhere with him as a child, to bring the cows in, to feed the animals, to visit the bakers, to drop crates of eggs off at the grocers. She still tried to go out with him when she could, but life was so busy these days, with school and friends. She tried to remember what mattered the most though. Pushing open the farmhouse door a smell wafted through the air. Her mother, Marianne, was stood at the aga, her hair pinned up in a loose bun, and an apron tied around her waist. Helena leant against the doorframe and took it all in. She didn’t know why she was feeling so nostalgic today, but she wanted to soak in every moment. Marianne looked over her shoulder and smiled. “How was school darling?” Helena brushed her hair back from her face and walked over to her mother. “It was good, I was in a world of my own today though, I’ve been caught up in these weird dreams.” Marianne’s brow furrowed, “What sort of dreams?” “Oh” Helena laughed. “Silly dreams, about werewolves and some sort of connection to them.” A loud noise startled her. “Mum are you ok?” Marianne was looking down at the pie she had just dropped in the sink. “Well that’s a shame. Your dad was looking forward to that.” Helena jumped up. Her mum wasn’t normally a clumsy person. What was going on? “Mum, did I make you jump?” Marianne wiped her hands on her apron and looked at her tall, beautiful daughter. She knew that this was the time to tell her, but she was still scared. She had hidden her for so long, she had such a deep fear that once she told her, that Helena wouldn’t be safe anymore. She reached her hands out to Helena and asked her to come sit in the living room with her. Helena frowned, something was wrong. Why was her mother so serious? It was just a dream? They walked through to the cosy sitting room, a large yellow sofa on one wall, with her mothers plants all around the fireplace. Sitting down, Marianne turned and held Helena’s hands. “Darling, tell me more about these dreams. How often are you having them?” Helena told her again about the black wolf she had been dreaming about, she skipped the n***d waterfall moment though, some things she just wasn’t going to tell her mum! She got to the part where she felt like she was a werewolf too and she could feel Marianne’s hands start to tremble. She took a breath and carried on. “Somehow, I don’t know how. I felt a connection to him, like I was being drawn to him, like it was some sort of destiny.” Marianne took in a deep breath. “The Mate Bond.” She said quietly. Helena leaned forward. “What? What bond?” Marianne stroked her daughters hand, and looked out the window. She had said it now. She needed to tell her everything. Would Helena hate her for keeping secrets? Would she understand? She knew that there would be no going back, she wished she had chance to talk to David about it first, he would be the most hurt of all. He had never questioned her keeping this a secret, never even questioned her never going home or contacting anyone. He loved her, and he loved Helena. Marianne turned back to her daughter, who was looking at her with her big blue eyes, she sighed, Helena loved her father too. This was going to hurt her most of all. Marianne had read so many books and mummy blogs on telling your child they’re adopted etc. But how do you tell your child that they’re actually a werewolf? That the man that she’s always called Daddy, was actually a stranger that took your mother in and fell in love with her, and her with him, and how would she tell her about Michael? Her real father.
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