2016 Words

CHAPTER TWODella stared at the uncle in sheer astonishment. “Jason has come home!” she exclaimed. “I do not believe it.” “It is true and I thought you would be surprised.” “I am astonished. But why after all these years?” They were speaking about the Duke’s only son, the Earl of Rannock, who had lived abroad in France for the last five years. He had always been a raffish young man. When he grew older, although his father and everyone else begged him to settle down, he refused. He spent his time with the fastest and most questionable Society beauties when he was living in London. Then he journeyed to Paris and the stories of the parties he gave, and the women he gave them for, were the talk of his relatives and friends. The gossips of Mayfair naturally found him an irresistible subjec

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