Chapter 5

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I grunted in disbelief when my eyes opened to a muscular chest. Un-f*****g-believable. I hissed at my Lycan. You just have to f**k them, don't you? Are you that desperate for a c**k? Hmm, yes. I needed their c***s, and it was worth it. I could barely feel my legs after we were done and that says a lot. She swooned. Excuse me! I don't remember permitting you to shag them. You tricked me into unconsciousness and took advantage of my trust. I growled at her. Do I need your permission to f**k my mates? You don't expect me to gulp down all my desires because you can't f**k our mates? Is that it? She growled back. I have time and time again respected your choice so shut the f**k up and let me have a wonderful time with my mates. I have no reason nor any intention to stop you from f*****g them. By all means, please do that so they get off my back but that's not what I'm talking about here. You tricked me and that's what I'm upset about. You could have asked me to back off and I would have but you pulled this crappy stunt instead of asking me. I expressed. But you were thinking about escaping from them and I panicked. I thought if we mate, maybe you'll also feel a bit close to them. She gasped. Well, wrong move, Lyco. You took away all the pity I had for them and made me resent them. My Lyco, who is supposed to stay with me through thick and thin, is now tricking me for them. I commented. After this, don't ever expect me to feel bad for them. But… As her guards were all down, I took advantage and pulled the same stunt she pulled on me; I subdued her conscience and took control. My dear Lyco, you have to be innocent to think you can trick me into believing that you guys don't have a little meetup to plan something suspicious. My guts have never once lied to me and my guts tell me, they have something planned. I just don't have a clue as to what that plan contains. So before they move forward with their plan, I will make my grand escape. It's a shame I have to waste this precious potion on them, I sighed, taking off my ring. As I whispered my name, the ring popped open to smoky things that dissolved in the air. The perks of having an assistant who is a half-witch are that I have access to precious potions that could help me in dire situations. I have plenty of such potions with me that are stored in the jewelry I wear all the time. I watched as the two males' breathing deepened and they fell into a deep sleep; from which they would wake up after at least a week, and when they came to be, I would be long gone. Chuckling, I took a long, relaxing bath, cursing when I had to clean their c*m. After getting dressed and taking all my stuff, I left. "Open the portals," I commanded the guards. As they didn't know about me being the mate of their dear Prince, they opened the portal. Playing cool, I hummed a song under my breath as I walked out of the demon lands, tracing back to the unclaimed land Caedmon and I came from instead of moving forward. "Can't believe I'm wasting all my precious collection because of them," I exclaimed, whispering a spell to my locket. A portal big enough to let me pass opened like an infinity hole and I stepped forward, my mind swirling as I was thrown into the Dragon realm within seconds. After throwing me on the ground, the portal closed and my precious necklace broke into pieces. Looking at the broken necklace, I sighed, throwing the pieces into the duffle bag I carried with me. "I swear I will make them pay big time for wasting my resources," I grunted, knowing well that I would never meet them ever again. As the thought of never meeting them crossed my mind, my spirit lifted and I bounced my way forward. Thank God, they don't know my final destination. I thought to myself. All I have to do now is subdue my Lycan for a long time to end the connection they made in one night. After they have lost their connection, my mates won't be able to trace me down. With the trouble out of my mind, I focused my attention on the lovely land of Dragons. It was exquisite, to say the least. The land looked like it was handcrafted by Gods; it was that magnificent. Lush green mountains decorated with snow on the top and rows and rows of wildflowers on the base filled my eyes. The sounds of the gentle flow of water soothed my soul, and I knew right then and there that this place would be my home. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the cold wind that brushed against me softly; melting me in the process. I was enjoying my freedom up until two intruders disrupted my peace. "Who are you?" one of the guardian dragons growled at me. "Who are you?" I asked back instead of answering, though there was little doubt about their identities. "We are the keepers of this land. Now expose your identity or you will be punished for trespassing," the other one warned me. "Punish me then," I said to save myself the headache of going roundabout ways to meet their Leader aka my mate. Had I said I needed to meet their King, they would have kicked me out or asked me to schedule an appointment which is going to take ages. It's better to meet as a criminal and then proceed with my plan. "Take her to Konungr," Keeper 1 said. "Please, lead the way. I dislike being groped," I smiled at them. They scowled at me but respected my boundaries nonetheless. What a gentleman, unlike two asses I know. I commented to myself as I followed them. As I followed them, I took in the beauty of the land as much as I could, appreciating the calmness that this land brings. "Is it true not many Dragons live here?" I asked curiously. Rumors have it that there are only a handful of the Dragons left. There are no records as to how a Godly land filled with mighty Dragons became so void of them. Out of the blue, they vanished, leaving behind only a few to survive on their own. What could be the reason for their parish? Was it God's will or a conspiracy plotted by greed? I thought to myself. Their silence was louder than any answer. The way their fists clenched and they were mashing their jaws said it was a topic I shouldn't touch. "This pack is beautiful," I tried to lighten the mood, and sure enough, their body relaxed. "We're heading to the heart of our land and it is much more captivating," Keeper 2 said, proudly lacing his voice. After running an hour or so at full speed, we reached the mountain boundary that protects the Dragon land. "We will fly over the mountains now. Climb on my back after we shift into our Dragon form." They were already naked when they approached me so there was no need for them to strip. All they did was bring out their dragons and I gaped in awe as beautiful and radiant scales formed on their skin. Their bone structure elongated and took the form of a dragon before they fully transformed into a massive dragon. To compare their massiveness, we would need a mountain. I'm 7'5" but all I reached was the mid-joint of their legs. I have to crane my neck to the sky to look at their eyes. "Get on the back," Keeper 2 laid flat on the ground and I bounced on his back like an excited child. You can't blame me for my excitement, can you? It's only through books we know Dragons, God's favorite supernaturals so the chance of riding them (pun not intended) is once in a million, and I happen to be that rare case. "We're setting off now," the one I was riding (again, no pun intended) warned me before he stood up in his mighty form and took off. I stared at the mountain with wide eyes and a hung jaw. It was breathtaking to see mountains from the top. To see the rivers decorating them like ornaments, and flower beds and forests becoming a dress. The snow was like makeup that added to the beauty. All of them combined made the most enchanting land. As we shifted to the heart of the land, the mountains became even more massive and glorious until we reached the peak where the King of Dragons or as Dragons says Konungr resides. A huge castle made of snow fell into my line of sight. There was no sign of life outside the lonesome castle. And when we entered the big halls, there were a handful of dragons standing. Their eyes watched me in curiosity, some laced with anger, and some were downright maliceful as I was dragged past them. Walking down some flights of stairs, I was led to the front of a big door. As I felt a crushing pressure from behind the door, I sucked in a breath, backing myself. Please Moon Goddess, let my mate be my dream Girl. I'm not being choosy here but after two big blunders, this is the least I deserve, I begged Moon Goddess. When the door was opened, my soul flew out of me when I saw a big, muscular giant sitting behind the desk, covered in some ancient tattoos all over his body, and luscious hair that went past his shoulders. Moon Goddess, you are so cruel, I cried out to the heavens as I was pushed inside the room and into the line of sight of the monster man. ~•~
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