Chapter 2

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All the blood from my body drains. No not him. Anyone but him. I rather deal with the alphas than be left in a room alone with him. I turn around in hopes that wasn't who's voice i just heard speaking behind me. I wasn't that lucky. Here I thought it wasn't that bad of a day but things just go worse. "Dustin, what do want?" I say hoping he won't do anything. Dustin is beta Mason's son. Dustin pretty much does anything he wants around the pack without any consequences. He always somehow gets away with it. Dustin is sick. I haven't heard nor seen him do to anyone that he has done to me. I guess it's because I'm an easy target. I'm not allowed to fight back even though I could. If I fight it will be worse. Things will get out that u don't need getting out so all I do is plead for him to stop and not do it. I have never told anyone what Dustin did. Not Alex. Not Nana Darlene. Not Nathan. No one. If I said something it's my word against his and they will all believe Dustin over me. He comes closer to me. He run a finger down my arm. No. No. "Please don't touch me." I beg him. "Now. Now Lydia. You know you like it. You know you want it. Now get on your knees like the good girl I know you are." He say smirking. "No! Please. No." I say. He frowns. "Here i thought that you would behave today. I guess not." Before he can do anything I try to run away. Key word, try. Dustin grabs me shoving me against the wall. "Dont ever tell me no! Now get on your knees." He shoves me down so that I'm how he wants me. He unzips his pants and shoves his member into my mouth and pushes himself in and out. I gag at the feeling and taste. He holds my hands above my head with me stuck between the wall and him. I struggle to get free but he won't let me. I'm suddenly thrown over his shoulder and he takes me to his bedroom where he has his way with me however he wants. I lay on his bed completely naked. I have claw marks on my upper arms and a black eye from him punching me in the face. "Get out." Is all he says throwing me my clothes. I slowly get up. I think he broke a rib. f**k. These are the moment I wish I would let myself cry but I can't. I put my now half torn clothes on and walk as fast as I can to my room. I take all my clothes off and hop in the shower. I sit on the shower floor with my knees to my chest. That wasn't the first time Dustin raped me. The first time Dustin raped me I was 15. He was 19. He stole the one thing I had left that was mine. I've never felt clean. I've always felt dirty since. Dustin has now raped me nine times. I have never cried because of it. I have never let it get to me. If I do I might not be able to ever get up again. In this shower like this is where I bury it. I shove it deep down. This is my one secret that might just kill me one day. Then again I'm I'm prepared to do it myself anyway. I'm not afraid of death. I welcome it. Then it will all be over. I pull myself together pushing it all away and I wash myself. I turn the shower off and wrap a towel around myself and go into my bedroom. I put a random pair a pajamas that I pull from the drawer and put them on. I lay in bed and stair at the ceiling until I fall asleep. ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤ Hello new day. I'm setting the coffee to brew when Emma comes in gasping. "Oh my. What happened to you." I roll my eye. Some people like to pretend that they don't know or don't see what is really happening to me. Emma is one of them. This isn't the first time she's seen me like this. Yet ever time she acts just as shocked as she did the first time. "What do you think happened? I'm a victim of bullying." I say a little annoyed because I know she knows this but as I said she likes to pretend it's not happening. I guess it's easier on their conscience. If they don't know they have nothing to feel bad out for not helping. I wonder if that actually works. It must because no one has ever tried to help. "Oh I'm sorry about that. What's on the menu today?" I roll my eyes again. It's posted on the chalk board we have hung up on the wall in the kitchen. Today's menu is always written on there the night before by either me or Nana Darlene. "Waffles and pancakes Emma." I wonder how she will do breakfast when I'm gone. "Oh ok. What should we do with them?" Again everything that will be served with it will be posted on the board. "Sausage, eggs, and bacon. Then we have to make cinnamon rolls." I tell her. We always do at least one pastry for breakfast. We're on a bit of a budget this month so I will only do one choice for that a lot of the time. We do bacon pretty much every morning. Wolves like bacon. "OK. I can do the waffles and eggs." Emma say. "Perfect." I say but it's actually not. I usually do most of the work. Emma likes to do the easy stuff. I get started on the rest. "Burden hurry up. When you get done bring me my breakfast. Your mother and I are leaving to visit another pack for a few day. You'll be stuck here with Conner. I expect you to be on you best behavior while we're gone. If I here anything you will be punished. Do you hear me?" Conrad appears in the kitchen. "Yes I understand." I say. "Good. While we're gone you are to help Conner with anything he needs you for especially with your mothers Luna duties. Got it?" "Yes. I understand. I will help him. Where is mom? Do I need to take her her breakfast or is she coming down?" I ask him. It's rare that we have normal conversations like this but there are time where we do. "She'll be down in a moment." He answers. I do enjoy our conversations when their pleasant like this. He's not so mean like this. "I only have the cinnamon rolls and eggs to do but if you want I can fix your plates without them." I ask. "Nah I don't really need the cinnamon rolls. Unless are you the one that made them? You can go without the eggs. Emma always burns them." He answers smiling. I like him like this. I have noticed though he does this when no one is around. It has to be just me and him. Emma doesn't count. "Yes I made them." I answer giggling. "Ahh damn. Ok fix my plate and when they get out bring it to me." "One or two?" I ask. "Awe come on. I think you want me to be fat. Tell you what one and box me up three more for the road." I nod my head. I fix his plate and moms. Conrad has already gone to sit at his table. I take him his plate along with mom's. Mom comes down after a few more minutes. I take the cinnamon rolls out when they get done and ice them. "Here you go." I set the cinnamon rolls down for both of them along with he boxed up ones. "Lydia." Conrad stops me. Did I do something wrong? "Yes?" I turn back around. "What happened to your eye. I didn't leave you like that last night?" I'm surprised he noticed or cared to ask. "Uh.. um w..what do you mean?" I ask nervously. He narrows he eyes at me. "Never mind. Just be good while we're gone. Don't give Conner a reason to punish you. If I hear about it not only will you be punished by him. you'll be punished by me when I get back." "Yes sir." I say. "Good girl. Back to work." I run along. Emma and I set the buffet up. I put out the syrups, butter, and jams. Emma does all the drinks. We go back into the kitchen to clean the kitchen up from everything we used to cook. "Burden where's my plate?" Conner asks. "Coming!" I yell out carrying his plate to him. "Did Conrad talk to you?" He asks. "Yes. He said to behave and that I'm to listen and help you today." "Yes so when you get done with the kitchen I need you to give this list of assignments to Nana Darlene and help her figure out a menu for tomorrow. Then come see me with the menu so I can approve and for your next task." Conner orders. "OK. Is there anything in particular you want?" I ask. "Mmm nah. Just do whatever you two feel like doing. If there's anything we trust you with it's food." I hold back a chuckle. I do like to cook but I wish it was on a smaller scale. I go off to finish cleaning the kitchen. "Good morning Lydia." Nana Darlene comes in. "Good morning. I'm to give you this today. My mom and Alpha Conrad are away for the next few days. I'm to help Alpha Conner today." I explain to her the situation. "OK. I think this list needs some revising. It has people in all the wrong places. We should fix it." She say looking over the list and shows it to me. I agree with her. "I'll fix it." I say. That another thing i do. I fix and solve things. I put everything how it needs to be. "OK done how's this?" I show her. "This is so much better. Who wrote that list?" She asks. "My mother. They always ask her to do that when they leave. She just writes down random names wherever." "Anyway. Menu. We'll do French toast and bagels, fried chicken, spaghetti and cheesy chicken casserole. Dessert blueberry pie and apple pie." "Sounds great. I'm sorry about the eye. I hope I didn't get you in trouble yesterday." She says. "It's fine." I say plainly. If I correct her I would be forced to tell her wh really happened. If I admit it to someone out loud it makes it real. It's easier this way. I leave her and go give the menu to Conner. I knock on the office door. "Enter." I walk in and there someone in there with him. "This is my step daughter Lydia. Lydia this is Beta Landon from the Red River Pack." I have to call him dad right now. I know the drill. "OK well here's that list Dad." Oh that felt weird and wrong. Conner presses his lips stifling a laugh. In front of guest like this i have to be respectful and call them dad. When guest are gone we drop the act. "Thank you. I send for you in a little while. Just go do what you would normally do." He says. "OK dad." I say. I think we all get a kick out of that. Even i laugh at it. It's still weird though. I go do my some of my chores like making the beds. I'm sleeping the floor when Beta Mason's comes in. "Alpha Conner sends for you. He want you in his office now." I nod. I finish up the floor quickly. "What took you so long?" Conner asks as I enter his office. "I was just finishing up sweeping. I didn't want anyone to trip." I answer. "OK. I need you to sort all of this mail out. Put mine in this basket. Put Conrad's on his desk and do the same with your mother's." He gives me a big stack of mail. "Do I do it in here?" I ask. "Yes. Just sit right there." He points to a chair. I sit in the chair on the other side of the desk and sort the mail. Conner does something on his laptop. I learned to read on my own. I was almost six years old and had only been to kindergarten when I came here. That's as far as my education goes is kindergarten. How sad is that. I would make myself read whatever I could get my hands on. Eventually I got the hang of it. A knock comes to the door. "Come in." Conner calls out. Beta Landon opens the door. "Thank you Alpha. I'm leaving now." He says. "OK have a safe trip." Conner says. I wait for him to close the door. "Is that everyone or are there more. Will I have to call you dad anymore today?" I ask. Conner laughs. "No. We can go back to addressing each other as we have Burden." He says. Got it Alpha d**k. Oh sorry I meant Alpha Conner. I go put Conrad's and mom's mail where it goes. I'll go through her mail later like always. "OK I'm done." I say. "Good go tend to lunch. Do not skip today." He says sternly. "Yes sir." I go down to start lunch. Today is tomato basil bisque with grilled cheese or they can have burgers. After lunch is done I go do some more chores. "Burden i have one more thing for you to do today and your done. All you have left are chores. Don't slack on them just because they're not here." If only he knew that this is a normal day for me. At least I don't have to do training today. It good that I don't because my ribs are killing me. My back hurts. I feel like what I imagine old people feel like. Having training cut put will actually allow me time for a much needed break. "OK what is it?" I ask. "Your mother always goes and checks in on the daycare and orphanage. Go help them put for a few hours." I nod. My favorite part of the day. In a way I like and hate when my mom goes away. It screws my rhythm up and gives me a break. I go see the kids. When I get there Charlie puts a crying Mia right in my arms. She shuts up right then. Mia smiles at me making noises. "Oh my goodness. Yeah. Well tell me all about it." I baby talk to her. Her makes more baby noises. "Mama mama." She says. Wait. Was that her? Omg that was her first word. Is she calling me mama. "You said you first word baby girl. That's such a good job. Look at you growing up." I coo at her. "Mama mama." She says it again putting her hand on my face. "Mama." She lays her head on my shoulder. I want to cry. I feel so bad now. She thinks I'm her mother and here I am going to leave her. I would love to keep her but I can't. I barely have a plan to take care of myself much less a baby. "Oh I'm so sorry Mia. I wish I could take you home. I really do." "Miss Grayson!" All the kids yell out. "Hey guys. What do you say we all go play outside." They all cheer around running outside as I follow them. I set Mia down on a blanket in the grass for her to play on. I just sit out there and watch them play. I wish this right here could be my life. I wouldn't mind it like this. I ended up staying until it was time to do dinner. "Hey human what is this suppose to be?" Tiffany comes into the kitchen. Oh joy. "What is what?" I ask. "This sludge that you served for lunch." Is she for real? She wait until now to question me about this. "It's called tomato basil bisque. If you didn't like it there was another option to choose from." I say. "Eww no. First you expect us to eat this red sludge then you put out burgers. How about some healthy options. I know you don't care about your figure since you're so fat but the rest of us do." Tiffany says. "Everything that we serve is healthy. I don't come up with the menu. I just cook what I am assigned to. If there are any issues I'm sure that Alpha Conner will listen since he approves the menu." "Hmph. I will be having that word with Alpha Conner since all you do is make unhealthy food. We have to stay in tip top shape and your here trying to sabbatage us." She can't be serious. Conner wouldn't believe her would he. Oh who am I kidding of course he will. "Tiff leave them alone. I have something better for you to eat anyway." Nathan comes in. Gross. Nathan takes her away silently apologizing to me. I just give him a small smile. I continue to make dinner for tonight. I sure Tiffany will have words about the pie since it's not strawberry pie. If she likes strawberry so much she should just turn into one. After dinner is over I help clean up and do my nightly routine. I'm exhausted and in a lot of pain.
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