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I sat there a little worried,  had I missed something, or was I really looking into this a little too much. I got a test from a unknown number. "I know it's weird but can I come over?" "Um..who's this?" "Oh, LOL it's Trisha." I looked at the text and was even more weirded out, but I agreed.Fifteen minutes later Trisha was here, and she looked a little nervous. "Hey, I guess you're alone too, NIcolai told me the same thing, boys night out." "Yeah, want to come in?" "Sure." she walked in and looked around,"this house is beautiful, and Nicolai helped you right?" "Yeah, it was a confusing time." Now I realized why she was acting so weird. She thought I still had hard feelings for her taking him. "I fought a lot against the feeling or call of the mate bond more because I had no idea what it really meant, and because I couldn't see me and Nick in a relationship, it felt comfortable and safe but I was mixing signals, now he's like a big brother to me, no hard feelings." She seemed to relax and we were a little more comfortable. "So what about you and Calian?" "I have no idea." "Nicolai, was telling me he's been trying the whole normal thing and has gotten a lot of things right, but.." "But?" "He's missing on how to express his emotions, Calian explained that women are usually all over him, and once done would just up and leave." "So he's had one night stands, what does that have..." "He's feeling strong emotions, Andrea, and he has no idea how to handle them, he's pretty new to these things." "Trisha, I'm not the kind to throw myself at him, and if he's serious about..whatever he's feeling, I want him to try and talk to me." "You know men, they feel like they did but only leave us asking more questions then getting answers, maybe go to him first, if you feel the same or just tell him you don't see him like that." I sighed in frustration and we continued to talk about whatever, and were even laughing by the time she said she should get back. I was jut getting comfortable in bed when I heard the door open and close, Calian came in and turned away from me, showing me only his back. "Hey, how was boys night?" "It was fine." He was short and just cutting me off, and avoiding eye contact, was it from earlier. but then I noticed, the room was heavy with cold dark energy. He still didn't look at me as he grabbed a towel and headed into the bathroom, wait didn't he shower before he left, and then the shirt he was wearing was black, but he had left with a green shirt earlier. I was just walking toward the door to the room when my phone dinged. "Hey we need to talk." Calian's name next to it. My stomach dropped, if he was texting me who... "Everything okay?" He called from the bathroom. "Yeah, hey, did Nicolai say what time we were having the cookout on Friday?" I quickly sent a message back, "Mom's at the house." "oh, yeah..he said about five would be fine." We hadn't talked about a cookout and Calian knew i called his brother Nick, not Nicolai. I quietly rushed to the kitchen and pulled out a silver wedding set I had left behind, I looked for the cake cutter, but it wasn't there. "Looking for this?" I jumped and looked up there she was with the cake cutter, in a rag, in her hand. Her form of Calian was melting away, and she was looking like a woman. Slowly I backed away not looking away from her, I was shaking from head to foot, but I wasn't going down without a fight. "Wow." she sniffed the air and smiled, " courage, a tasty emotion until I snap your neck." "You don't scare me." "Oh, my dear of course I do, but I am feeling generous..run." "What?" "Run." I ran for the door, she beat me there,  I tried to run for the rooms she caught me and slammed me onto the coffee table it broke, then threw in at the wall, out of her reach for a second I ran into the room and locked the first door, but her hand punched a hole with a knife and caught me cutting a deep wound in my stomach. I stumbled back and jumped into the closet. I could hear her break the first door down. As I held my stomach, I held on to the closet door. "You changed my boy, little girl, and I won't be having any of it, he's mine and you can't have him!" She punched a through the wall, still the knife in hand, she slashed the knife around and got my arm and my side I got as far from it, then it stopped I didn't dare hope she was gone. things were getting blurry, then i heard Calian, but it could be a trick by her so I didn't make a sound. "Calian, she's bleeding out!" "Andy?!" They looked and looked until someone found me. "Andrea, she's bleeding really bad." "We need to take her to the hospital." "And tell them what?" "Lisa , she knows what to do." "Call her and have her meet us at the house." Calian picked me up and ran with me out to the truck and we drove off, the next thing I knew was I was on the floor somewhere, I could sell the herbs burning and suddenly something burned. Then I felt a sharp poke a few times, then it felt like it was tightening my skin, was she sewing my insides and my stomach shut? I was gritting my teeth and squeezing someone's hand so hard. Then a cup was pushed against my mouth, making me drink whatever was in it. It burned on the way down. "She'll be okay now, she have a fever for a while, but that's her body fighting to heal." "Andrea, I'm sorry, I should've..." I was breathing heavily, and everything was getting more and more muffily. my eyes were getting heavy and for once I was just falling. "Sleep girl, sleep." I heard Lisa say, I didn't fight anymore, i let sleep take over and I was out. My dreams were awful,  monsters and demons, and scary faces, I was screaming most of the time, I kept calling for someone to help, no one answered. Then there was a light, an old woman came toward me, and when she touched me my body was filled with warmth." "Mi nina." She whispered and hugged me. "Who are you?" I asked, she looked sad for me not knowing who she was, but then smiled at me. "I am your grandmother, mija, and it makes me sad to see my son not honoring his roots." "Which are what, Grandma?" "We are of the last gifted witches, my child, your father never told you and walked away from us, he was ashamed of us." "I've never had powers of any kind." "You haven't earned the right, child, every witch must earn that right." "How do I earn that right?" "You'll know." She gave me one more hug and was gone. I was in a field of wildflowers and tall grass, it was so peaceful, I laid in the grass, and when I turned to my side. "Mitch?" "Hey baby." I threw my arms around him and held him tightly, I was sobbing, he was here. after a second he pulled away a little and looked at me.Gently he wiped away my tears, and looked at me. "I'm so sorry, I never meant what I said that day, I love you , and I was scared..." He placed a finger over my lips, and kissed me softly. "No, I'm sorry for over doing everything, I wanted everything done, over night, and you had a right to be stressed, you were pregnant with our child, and I was over whelming you with things, things that didn't even matter at the time." I felt more tears run down my face. He touched my face, as his thumb wiped away a tear. "I love you, I never meant..." "Shhh, You torturing yourself won't change things, it won't bring me back, I don't hate you and forgive you for whatever reason you can think of, but I never died thinking about what you said, I died thinking I was never going to see our baby, or hold you ever again." I cried and laughed at the same time, and he hugged me. "I want you to be happy, even if it's going to suck seeing you with someone else." I laughed again, and kissed him. "I love you." I smiled and we laid down in the grass again, my eyes were feeling heavy again, and I was asleep. When I woke up again, I was in a room with a bunch of plants and herbs hanging from everywhere, some were burning in a small fire place. I tried to turn and felt the sudden burning feeling, I looked down and saw the stitches, I laid back and tried to relax, but I needed to puke. I turned my head and managed to puke on the dirt floor. Someone came in, and put my hair up, I looked and it was Calian. He looked grim and angry. "why so serious?" i teased he wasn't having it, he growled and looked away. but didn't leave. "I guess you're feeling better if you're making jokes." "I can run a marathon, just help me on my feet." "Will you stop, for f**k sake you almost died!" I laid there looking up at him, he was shaking. I extended my hand toward him and he took it, and touched it to his cheek. He came close to me until his ear was right over my heart. "I heard your heart slow down, for a second I thought it would stop beating." "Nah, can't get rid of me that easy." He touched his cheek to mine and we just sat there for a while. "I love you, An, I never thought I would feel it but I do and it's selfish for me to say but if you die I die with you, I was the one calling out to you, that first time I saw you, i wanted to fight it, but I knew it was you I was seeing in my dreams, I wanted to be the tough guy and hide, but after this I can't." "Hey better late then never right." He scoffed and kissed my forehead, he laid next to me and we fell asleep again. The next time I woke up, I was alone again, but this time I was very groggy, my head was heavy and it felt like it was being squeezed through something. Then a voices whispered in my ears, I screamed and covered my ears, I was hearing the voices get louder. "help, weak, please help me." "Stop!" I yelled then i heard my grandmother's voice echo as I remembered what she said. "You'll know." I relaxed just like when Nick taught me to phase but this time it gave me a moment of peace and I listened. The voices of the pioneers the dead of this town or the darkness that wanted to take over. I listen to all of it, one stronger then the other, but it was my choice what I was going to listen to. it wanted to overwhelm me but I pushed back, and broke a path through all of it, I could see them on either side of me, the dark and the light, and right in front of me was the gray. "If you choose that path you'll always be falling into temptation, and could end up to the dark." The voice advised me but I felt it in my heart it was the path I was meant to take. "I'll take my chance." "Listen to them they will guide you." I looked around and the spirits surrounded me, and suddenly a very bright light made me look away. A figure emerged from it and came toward me. "Grandma." "You have been give the gift your father never claimed, it is yours use it for the good of man kind, beware of the dark side work with it but don't surrender to it." I nodded and she gave me a hug. "Be safe my daughter." I hugged her tightly and when I woke up I was still on the floor where I fell. I looked around and just felt wet on my stomach, I looked down at my wound and looking around, my brain just started remembering things I had never read or learn, carefully I got to my feet and started the fire as it grew I got a few other things with the herbs and started to get to work, I smashed all of the herbs together coming out with a paste and then put a different one to boil to make a tea, once I was done with both, I put the paste on my wound and it began to burn, then I drank the tea. It felt like i was cooking from the inside out, it felt awful, and I was screaming a little. "Andrea?" I gritted my teeth as they came in and found me shaking and sweating like crazy. "What have you done?"Lisa's voice demanded, as she looked at what I had mixed. "I'm fine, it's just going to take a..."I gritted my teeth again the feeling wasn't gone and my skin cooking shut again was painful. "Andrea, what are you doing?" "Calian, just hold my hand, I need this to do it's things." He did and after a while, the cooking feeling stopped and I was just left a mess, shaking and sweating. Lisa, pulled my shirt up and my wound was nothing more then a scar, on my stomach. "How did..." "My magic of healing." I said sitting up and both Calian and Lisa looked at me with fear. "Were did you suddenly get magic?" I looked at Lisa and smiled, but I didn't say anything. I still needed to get a hang of this and me gloating right now was not going to help. "It's a long story, but I'm not going to hurt you." "Thanks I feel reassured ." said Lisa, but I got to my feet and walked toward the door, it had a protection on it so nothing could get to me, I felt it wash over me once I stepped out of the little shack, and it was gone the moment I was outside. It was night time again, I looked around the sun was just setting. I looked at my truck and walked toward it,once there a hand beat me to the door handle. "Calian." "You 're in no condition to drive, where you headed?" "Back to the house, I fell like crap still but, I can't be here." "We're fine here." "Like I said before it's a long story, but I can't be in the same area as Lisa right now." "Okay, I'll take you." We got in the truck and he drove m back to the house. The outside wasn't so bad. Now the inside was a whole different story. It was worse then how I remembered that night, there was blood everywhere then in the one room, there was a lot of it in the closet. I was picking up something else too, it smelled like sour milk. "What is that smell, like bad milk?" Calian looked at in surprise. "It's death, it smells like that because Mom's power is from death." "Gotcha." I said slowly, and continued to look around. The big pieces were cleaned out and it looked like someone had started repairing things. I walked into my room and everything was still normal, without telling Calian I started taking my clothes off, and headed to the shower. The warm water felt nice, i was sore all over, then I heard them the voices. "You excite him, he wants you," and I was getting flashes of something, from the looks of it what Calian wanted. "Enough!" i whispered harshly and it stopped, but now my body was all excited too. I sat there looking at the last of the blood wash away down the drain,  washed my body and got done. I climbed out and wrapped a towel around myself, and just sat there thinking. The cards were all out on the table, Calian had been honest with me, and it wasn't a secret how much we both wanted to. "But you are still recovering from the attack." whispered an other voice, and I wrapped my robe around me and headed out to the room. Calian was sitting on the bed,  I climbed over the bed and hugged him, he hugged me back. His smell was so nice, I loved having him close, it was comforting. Before I could stop myself, I kissed his neck, that made him turn to look at me, then slowly he leaned in to kiss me. His kiss was passionate, it was different from before, I couldn't explain how I knew but it was, and I basked in it, the fire that was slowly growing inside me, the need I never thought I'd feel again for an other man, his hands caressed my leg and slowly moved up my body,  my skin came to life under his touch, exciting me into a nice high. i pulled his shirt off, started to under his pants, in a slow manner, once he was out of his clothes I took him in, he was perfect, and I couldn't believe that, in a way, he was mine. I kissed his chest and teased him, as he growled softly, sending a shiver down my back. His hand went into my hair and softly pulled my head back. "You really don't want to play dirty."He warned and teased at the same time. "Really."I kissed his neck then along his shoulder then bit down, and he hissed, "I'm sure I won't mind." He took my mouth with his with such hunger and need, it was painful but was getting me even more excited, He was on top of me leaving kisses everywhere, until I was aching for him. "I Need you so much right now." "Not so fun waiting is it?" he whispered in my ear. His hands were touching and teasing me into a fit, while his mouth drank up every moan and gasp that was coming out of me. "Calian, I want to feel you."I moaned. he looked into my eyes and saw that I was serious, he kissed me again, then very slowly pushed into me, he was thick, I could feel myself stretch, it was pushing me to the edge, once i got use to feeling him, he moved and it felt even more amazing. I was gasping and moaning so loudly, it surprised even me. The rhythm picked up and he got a little rougher with me, I couldn't think or talk, as the rush of heat ran over my body, my nails dug into his back, at my release. We were both breathing heavy, but he wasn't done. "Turn around."a little nervous I did as he said, positioned me right, and without warning he filled me to the brim. I almost screamed from suddenly feeling him, but he didn't stop there very slowly he pulled me back by my hair, it got me so turned on I was on the verge of coming again. Once I was on my knees he hugged me to him, and kissed my shoulder. "You're mine, Andrea, all mine." It wasn't a question, he was telling me. He moved a little and I gasped. "Yes." I whispered I was so close, it was frustrating but he moved again. "I didn't hear you." he whispered in my ear, as he thrust again. "Yes, I'm yours!" I said louder, right when I said it he moved so fast and hard his body slamming into me,right when my second release hit  me I felt his teeth bit into my shoulder, and I felt a whole row of things, all happening at the same time, my release, the mate bond settled, and my own senses locked onto something. It was a rush and my body already exhausted from everything else was just at rest. We were both so out of breath, but he held me close to him as we dozed off to a peaceful sleep. The spirits were showing me something and I followed. When I found it, it was strange. two kids, and then their parents fighting over something,  the oldest boy was covering his little brother, who was sobbing. The woman came over and comforted them, this was a loving mother, but then the man did something, while they weren't watching a man called to the oldest boy and the little one. The man took the little one,but the oldest boy and the women were pulled phyically by something, and the next thing I knew. The man with the little boy was gone, and the skin on these other people was melting off their bodies, the screams were horrible as the oldest boy looked right at me. I jolted awake. I looked around and found Calian still sleeping, i was shaking from head to foot. Had I really just seen the day Calian was cursed, that was horrible, he was just a baby. I felt tears fall from my eyes, as I remembered their mother, she wasn't this monster she was now, she had really loved her babies. I sat there for a moment, and collected myself, then looked back at Calian and hugged him close, I would protect him, even if it's from his own mother.
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