Abbi part two.

2450 Words

*Abbi* I jumped a foot in the air when I heard James say my name. Not literally, but close enough. I've been sitting on the bed waiting for him since he left, but I'd become so preoccupied with the thoughts running through my head, that I never heard him coming. That's unusual for me. Typcially, I have a sixth sense that's paying attention even when I'm not. I look up and see James shrug "I looked at the breaker box, I don't see anything unusual so I really don't know what that was all about." I shrugged back. "I don't know anything about electric so I don't have any input for you on this one." "I figured as much. No big deal....are you ready?" he asked, putting his hand out so he can take mine. I look at it for a moment before I finally put my hand in his. "Yea, I'm ready" Although

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