Wedding time!

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*James* 'This day came way too fast' I thought to myself as I fix my tie in the mirror. I'm definitely not a wedding person but I have been feeling increasingly more excited as the day approached. I could barely sleep last night, I was so amped and ready to go. But, at the same time, I'm nervous and my mind has been racing a mile a minute. I've been thinking about finding my mate more and more, almost to the point of fixating on it. I wonder what she will look like? smell like? taste like? I know the Moon Goddess has made her just for me and that she will be perfect. I will love her all the same, regardless of what she looks like, but I'm still nervous. What will she think of me? Will she be excited to find me? To take her place as my wife and Luna? My wolf, has continued to get more restless in the days leading up to today, leading me to become even more convinced that this is really going to be the day that I've been waiting for. At least, I hope so. For myself and for him. He better not have been driving me crazy all week for no damn reason. “Hurry James! We need to get on the road!” My mother yells. “I’m coming now, Mother” I respond, giving myself one last look in the mirror and then heading for the door. The wedding is less then 30 minutes away but of course the family is expected to be there a little early to make nice with some of the Alpha’s from neighboring packs. Rippled Moon Pack is one of our allies and has been for years. Alpha Jackson, the father of the bride, has been good friends with my father for over twenty years. The packs have pulled together and fought side by side many times over the years when it was needed. Surprisingly enough, I have not met either of the Alpha's daughters yet. Alpha Jackson secluded himself for some time after his mate died and quit coming to functions. Even when he remarried, he did so quietly and just had a small family celebration. Then throughout my teen years I was busy learning about becoming Alpha and tending to the pack and I didn't socialize much myself. I left for college not long after turning 18, so somehow over the years, we just never crossed paths. Now, one of the twin sisters is getting married, to a warlock from what I've heard. It's not surprising to me that the bride has a magical mate as her mother was a witch as well. Typically a hybrid has an equal chance of their mate being from one of their supernatural sides or the other. Although technically it doesn't have to be from either side. Wolves can mate with any species, including humans. It just depends on who the Moon Goddess wants us to spend our lives with. “Ahhhh. It’s that time son” I hear my father sigh as he comes down the steps and heads towards the door as well. As I get closer to the door, I hear my wolf really kick into overdrive. “Here we come, my love” Devin exclaims, while prancing gleefully in my head. *Abbi* How did today come so fast? I wonder as I stand in front of the mirror in my room. I don't want to sound conceited but I must admit I look beautiful. I have my gown on and a tiara on my head, with my hair pulled up and a haze of ringlet curls flowing down and gently grazing the tops of my shoulders. I have had my hair and makeup done and have been pressed and powdered by the best. My dress is cream colored, instead of white. It has a scoop neckline and a tight bodice until it hits my waist and then the skirt flares out and then flows down to the floor in a blaze of silk. The sleeves are short, ending high on my upper arms, and there is a tiny design stitched around the hem of the dress and the bottom of the sleeves. I love the way the dress and my tiara look. I don't wear dresses often and I'm far from a girly girly but I definitely feel like a princess today. I continue to gaze at myself in the mirror but bite my lip as I begin to think that something just doesn't feel right. I've gotten more excited as the day grew near. I'm ready. Ready to stand before 300 plus people and vow to love Liam until the end of my days. Ready to start the next phase of my life. But this morning when I woke up, something felt different. Something was off and I just couldn't put my finger on it. I still can't. My wolf, Gypsy, has been wound up all morning. Gypsy wasn't happy either when I made the decision to marry Liam and has been noticeably quiet over the past few weeks. I know that she does not approve any more than the rest of my family does. However, when I woke up this morning, she was bright eyed and bushy tailed, prancing around in my head like she was ready to run a marathon. The sudden change confused me and left me with a slight feeling of dread. Was there something that she knew that I didn't? What brought about this sudden change of heart? If so, she sure isn't talking to me about it and refuses to answer me when I ask her any questions. She just laughs gleefully and tells me that I will see shortly. Which in turn, makes me even more nervous. But why? I know I want to marry Liam and that is the only thought and opinion that counts. Other than his, of course, but I know he feels the same way I do. I have no worries there. So I have no clue why I'm so nervous, but my hands are sweaty and shaky, and my hearts racing. I take several deep breaths and try to tell myself that this is just typical wedding day jitters but even to me, It feels like I'm stretching the truth. "Come on, Abbi, you'll be fine" I whisper to myself, taking another deep breath. “Come on, Sis. Its almost that time” my sister calls while prancing back and forth in her slipper feet. I watch while she leans down and removes the slippers, sliding her heels on in there place. My sister has not been thrilled about Liam and I getting married either. She doesn't understand why I don't want to spend my life with my mate. Even though she has watched our dad struggle as well, she still wants that magical kind of love. But now that the time is here, Ava is just as excited, or even more so, then I am. It almost makes me suspicious. But this is not the time or the place to wonder why my sister has done a total 180 and completely changed her opinion. My time is up. It's time to go. *James* "She’s here!! She’s here!!" Devin yells, excited as I enter the backyard behind Rippled Moon's pack house. She is here. I can smell it. The most delicious scent of caramel, apple pie, and a hint of vanilla. It reminds me of my favorite desert. Warm apple pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce on top. I have never smelt anything so good before in my life. It's intoxicating. It has to be my mate. I stand there, feeling as though I'm rooted to that spot, while I scan the area again and again but I can’t see her. 'Where is she? ' I thought to myself. I don’t know.” My wolf responded “but it wont be long. She’s here somewhere and that's all that matters.” I had entered the yard from the side. The driveway in front of the house had a long line of cars off to one side, leaving only enough room to drive past them. Once I passed the pack house, I saw that staff were directing people to park in the lawn off to the side of the house. I parked the car and got out. I immediately picked up on a slight hint of her scent. It was very faint, but enough to let me know who it belonged to. The scent had gotten significantly stronger as I got closer to the wedding area. The back of the house was decorated nicely, with a red carpet running all the way from the back of the house to a beautiful pavilion that was set up a good distance away from the pack house. Not too far to walk for the ladies in heels, but far enough for everyone to get a good look at the bridal party as they come from the house. There is a large deck built onto the back of the house and then steps that go down to the yard, but all that is hidden now behind a white silk material that keeps the back half of the house from view. The steps are also covered with the same material, creating an alcove for the women to walk out of. They wont be seen until they have reached the bottom of the steps and are ready to walk down the red carpet. There are chairs lined up on both sides of the carpet and then the pavilion a little further ahead. The pavilion is decorated and covered over as well with the same silky white material, with a line of maroon colored ribbons pinned to the outside. Only the front of it is open and uncovered, which I assume, is where the bride and the groom will stand while Alpha Jackson marries them. It almost looks like a piece of furniture meant for a dollhouse. Off to the side, I can see large tented areas with tables for people to sit and eat, a desert table, a chocolate fountain, and a wine fountain. I've never seen one of those before. There are small sample sized wine glasses sitting on the table with it. People can literally hold the glass under the wine in the fountain and catch it as it goes. It's creative. I wanted to look around some more but Alpha Jackson, the father of the bride, approaches me and shakes my hand. I take a few deep breaths to calm myself. 'It's ok, James' I think to myself 'She's attending the wedding. At least you know she's here. We will find her' “So James, it wont be much longer huh?” Alpha Jackson says, referring to the fact that I should be taking over for my father soon. “Not too much longer” I responded “I've been ready and willing to take over, but my father has insisted on waiting. I think he's trying to drag it out until I have my future Luna by my side.” “Believe it or not, that really makes a difference son. More so than you think” He states, while reaching for a glass of champagne from a tray that a server is carrying around. He hands one to James and then takes one for himself. “I would give anything to have my Luna back at my side. That’s a fact. There's no better partner than your mate." “I definitely believe it, sir” I politely reply, lifting the glass of champagne to my lips, my eyes scanning the yard again and again. I realize that the scent is leading back to the pack house. Which means my mate is inside but her scent is still strong enough outside to continue making me feel slightly intoxicated. Alpha Jackson continues to stand next to me, making idle conversation but I can't seem to focus on anything that he is saying. It feels like I'm in a daze, with my mouth uttering acceptable responses but my mind miles away. My parents approached, and as soon as I saw an opening, I excused myself. I walked over and remained standing a good distance away, closer to the tree line by the woods, to keep from having to mingle and make small talk. I don't want to socialize needlessly on a good day, much less at a time when I can't even think. More and more people are arriving and different scents are mixing in with my mates. This makes it harder to track, but it still appears to be coming from the pack house. Meaning that my mate has not left the house yet. I want so badly to run into the pack house and sniff her out and its taking all the strength I have to hold myself back. As much as I want to see her, I have no idea where she would be at within the house. Is she a part of the wedding planning party, still working on getting things ready for the wedding or the following dinner? Is she a part of the bridal party? Is she just a guest who is close enough to the family to be inside talking with the Alpha's daughter? I hear someone making an announcement and the words slowly catch my attention. “Alright Ladies and gentlemen, we are now requesting that everyone find a seat please. We will be getting started shortly”. I look up and see someone standing by the back steps, holding a microphone. I start scanning the rows of seats looking for my Mother and Father. I know they will have saved me a seat. It doesn't take me long to find them and I start heading their way. They have gotten pretty good seats. There are a lot of people here. I would say definitely over 250 and the rows of people seem endless on both sides. Thankfully, my parents are seated towards the end of a row, closer to the red carpet and decently close to the front. I know my Mother must have picked the seats as she likes to be close enough to hear the vows and everything being said. My Father, no doubt, would have buried himself in the back somewhere if he had a choice. I don't care either way. I'm just thankful they are close to the end of a row so I'll only have to climb past a few people to get to my seat. I make it to the row they are sitting in and start sliding past others while saying "excuse me". “Let’s hope this goes quick” my father mutters to me under his breath, as I take my seat. I hope so as well but for a vastly different reason. I'm eager to start the hunt for my mate. Her scent starts getting significantly stronger and I feel a sudden rush of excitement at the thought of being able to see her. I start looking around frantically but I still see no signs of her. The groom stood up at the front of the pavilion and music begins playing. A cute chubby little girl starts walking down the aisle, throwing rose petals in her wake. Several bridesmaids in maroon dresses begin walking down the aisle as well on the arms of various groomsmen. They are all beautiful but none of them are my mate. The scent of caramel, apple pie, and that teasing hint of vanilla is getting stronger by the minute. “She has to be a member of the bridal party” James thought, looking to see if more bridesmaids were coming from the aclove above the steps. His wolf chooses that moment to begin making a full blown ruckus in his head. Devin is howling like crazy. “Here she comes” My wolf cries while letting off howl after howl in my head. Devin starts projecting images of fireworks going off in my mind. This is a celebration to him. We have found our mate! 'Calm down man'. James told him while wincing. The party in his head was getting a little too intense. *Abbi* I can hear the music playing and I tighten my grip around my dad's arm, as I wait for my turn to walk down the aisle. My heart is pounding like crazy and my palms are starting to get slick with sweat. Out of nowhere, came an overwhelming urge to rush down the stairs and out into the yard. I kept picking up the scent of fresh rain and pine. It's like being in the forest after a good rain. It smells so good and the scent is getting so strong that it is literally making my head swim. I watch my sister as she makes it to the bottom of the steps, which is my cue to start down them. I hesitate and continue watching as she begins her strut down the aisle. "Come on, dear" My dad whispers, encouraging me to start my descent. I glance around the enclosed deck and then take my first step down as my wolf starts going crazy. ‘He’s here!!! He’s here!! He came for us’ Gypsy insisted. 'Whose here?' I asked her, curious and slightly confused. She refuses to answer me and begins prancing around gleefully. I make it to the bottom of the steps and look down the stretch of seemingly endless red carpet. I take a deep breath as I step out into the open, and try to center my attention on Liam’s handsome face. But I can’t resist the urge to look around, even though I don’t have a clue who or what I'm looking for. All I know is that the wonderful, mouthwatering scent that I'm obsessing over, is getting stronger the further down the aisle I walk. I look at Liam again and tell myself to focus. I'm getting ready to marry the man I love and all I'm worried about is someone else's scent?!? 'Come on Abbi get it together', I whisper under my breath. It feels like forever before I make it to the pavilion, almost as though I'm moving in slow motion. My father takes my hands and puts them in Liam's before taking his place in front of us. I look up into Liam's beautiful gray eyes and smile. This is the man I love and he will be my husband today. I hear my Father start talking, but it feels as though his words are coming from miles away. The sound of my heart beat is drowning out everything else. And that beautiful scent that is still in the air is all I can think about, making my head spin, as I hear my father prompt Liam to start his wedding vows. The vows we have written ourselves, to celebrate this beautiful day. The day we become one. Liam opens his mouth and begins declaring his love, when all of a sudden, an earth shaking growl tore through the air.
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