Chapter 12 - Vasyl's Awakening

1909 Words

Chapter 12 - Vasyl's AwakeningSomewhere in France 1000 A.D. He was not dead. He was sure of it. A heartbeat resounded–thu-thump. It came as a hard knock on his chest wall. But there was only the one. That's strange. While waiting to hear the next one, he lay in darkness, the scent of soil, loam and molding leaves sharp in his nose. Underground? He wiggled his fingers. Yes. He moved his feet. He existed. I am alive! Another heartbeat came. Another thu-thump in his chest. Then again, nothing. He languished in the darkness thinking what a fool he was to have asked for this. As if it would be better than being killed by his arch enemies, the Nephilim, who wanted to take the Dagger of Delphi from him and destroy it. They did not want to be killed by it once the sibyl appeared again in the

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