Chapter 24 - Vasyl

614 Words

Chapter 24 - VasylThe vampire shot up through the loose planks in the floor of the old, abandoned house, sending the rotted wood everywhere. Stretching, Vasyl made a gradual perusal of his surroundings and took in the various scents. The house itself was musty, with little to offer. The scent of ozone was heavy. It may have rained, or possibly the humidity level had come up with the lowering of temperature of the night. Earlier, the bones of the house had creaked from the slightest breeze, threatening to come down like a house of cards with each gust. But the wind had abated by nightfall. It had been a comfortable sleep, although he liked his own barn, where he could sleep undisturbed, tucked in a bed of straw and the horse blanket to cover him up in the hay mow—much better than in a hole

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