THEME: A benefit of doubt CHICAGO, UNITED STATE OF AMERICA AT RIA ROBERT APARTMENT Ria sat at the countertop in the kitchen sipping a cup of coffee. She was waiting for ma’am Elise to finish washing the dishes. Ever since Ria came back home ma’am Elsie stopped her from doing anything. Phoebe and Phoenix helped Ria arranged the clothes back in the closet, and she couldn’t cook dinner for the children because ma’am Elise kept saying that she should save up her energy for the discussion later in the day after the kids must have gone to bed. "Now we can talk.” Ma’am Elise wiped her hands clean on a napkin. She sat on a stool facing Ria directly. "Where do I start from?" Ria mumbled. "Tell me what happened after you regained your sight.” Ma’am Elise said. "Well Ian was th