Chapter 71 - Disappearing act

1961 Words

Ruston’s POV Although it had been a couple of months since I was declared a so-called free man, nothing had been done yet to re-establish the Moon Stone pack, and I was getting impatient. I wanted to return home. They didn’t even hide the fact that a guard was permanently following me. I sometimes felt as if I was never going to get out of here, and the thought often crossed my mind about how Valerie must have felt all those years. Thinking back, I wish things were different for both of us. I wouldn’t mind if I could just have a normal life, with a loving mate and my son, but those weren’t the cards I was dealt. I had tasted the power of being in charge, and I wanted it back. I realized that no matter what I told these people, they would never believe that I wanted to fix things at Moon

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