Chapter 3

1329 Words
“So, let me get this straight. You bailed on coming to my place for dinner last night so you could go to some stuffy grand opening of Mason Remington, your brother’s friend’s hotel, and while you were there, Mason specifically told you to come to his office tomorrow. Which do you think is for an interview in his office at eleven in the morning?” Lisa slumped on the couch in the morning across from her boyfriend, Ross, rubbing her eyes to get rid of the sleep hanging over her. She should not be doing this, lying to him, not after all he had done for her. Ross always provided generously for her an apartment, clothes, and money, just whatever she needed; even though after graduating, she’d made an effort not to rely on him for support. It was a miracle that she completed her Master’s degree and graduated with honors. Much earlier, Ross and Chris had pointed out that it was a perfectly useless degree. Chris had wanted her to pursue a business degree. He wanted to bring her into the “family” business. But she wasn’t sure yet what she wanted to do. She loved baking but hadn’t found the courage to start a business with it. What is she even doing? The people she’d graduated with had already moved into jobs. They were making careers. She was still deciding what she wanted to do with the rest of her life. On the other hand, Ross took care of her as well, ensuring she had everything she could want. He frequently bought her clothes and shoes and sent his maid to stock up her house with the needed groceries. She barely cooked or ate. She often ate out or at Amber’s, her best friend’s place. She felt like a liar, a deceitful person. This made her feel guilty; she had the luxury of taking her time to make decisions. She should tell Ross about what she thought Mason’s invite was about, but how and on what grounds? Being a close family friend doesn’t explain why he would demand she come to see him in his office so unexpectedly. And, knowing Ross, he was always the one who had to have a proper explanation for everything. How was she sure the kiss meant anything? Or was she thinking he suddenly had feelings for her or would even consider her for a relationship; for all she knew, he just found her attractive and wanted nothing more than a few shacks with her, which she wouldn’t have minded either way. “Hello! Earth to Lisa,” Ross said, calling her out of her thoughts. “Yeah?” “I asked you a question?” “Oh yeah, pretty much, yeah,” she replied. Lisa, is there something you aren’t telling me? The guy is a freaking billionaire, I get that he is your family’s closest friend, and you grew up together, but it doesn’t add up. If it was for a job position, no offense, but he could hire a more qualified person for the job. Why the hell you?” “Why me? So, you think I’m unqualified just because I’m rich and I technically don’t have problems in my life, right.” Lisa asked, frustration making her voice edgy. She knew it didn’t make sense, and there was no point trying to defend it, but he looked down on her, making her feel like she had always felt all her life. Useless. “It was just a question, Lisa, don’t turn this around on me.” “Seemed like a pointless question to me. I didn’t have to tell you. I just felt it necessary because we are in a relationship and wouldn’t want you finding out from someone else,” she said in a tone more upset than before. Ross rolled his eyes. “He wants you; likes you even. I know it, I see the way he looks at you. And why wouldn’t he? You’re young and hot, and I bet you’ve starred in his fantasies a time or two over the years.” Lisa wrinkled her nose. “You are making it sound different from what it is, Ross. It is just a job. I mean, what else could he be? Chris probably asked him to do it.” “So, nothing ever happened between you two?” “Yes,” she said, her mind immediately returning to the kiss they had shared a few hours ago. “Oh, for Christ’s sake. Don’t lie to me, it’s not like you haven’t lusted after him since you were a teen. And it’s not like you wouldn’t have succumbed to him if he had ever acted on those desires. You are no longer a child at the age of twenty-two. You don’t want to spend any more time with me. I understand that you are only with me because of our families, but we get along well and I adore you, Lisa.” “Ross-,” she said, worry evident in her tone. She knew she had to tell him how she really felt sooner or later. Just then, a call came in on Ross’s phone, which he picked up and answered while heading into the bedroom to talk properly. It was probably about work. Ross was from a very well-to-do family like hers, only more affluent. His dad was late but had his clothing line, which was one of the biggest names in the fashion industry today. Ross was an only child; his mum was like every typical wealthy widow. Spending money and traveling every other day. He was good-looking, too, blond with nicely tanned skin, and his nose was almost perfectly formed. His strong jawline was covered in black stubble, and his lips were full and dark pink. He had a nice body but, in all, couldn’t come close to Mason, whose entire physique, who looked like artists had carved him in heaven. She was still thinking about Mason’s body’s magnificence when Ross returned to the room to sit beside her. He was done with his call, and she was guessing it was something that required his attention. “I have to go now, but can we talk when I get back? I am not in support of this whole thing but I won’t stop you from actually giving it a trial. Especially if it’s a job,” he said while rubbing her hand in his. “Thank you, Ross.” Ross kissed her just then, slow and gentle, and everything Mason was not. She and Ross had had s*x a couple of times, but it was always fast and unexciting. Ross didn’t take his time exploring the corners of her mouth like Mason did. Neither did his being close cause her instant wetness. She always made it a habit to ensure she didn’t sleep over and vice versa. They would talk for a while, eat or watch a movie whenever they were done, which she would eventually sleep through mid-way. She couldn’t quite place it, but she never felt connected to Ross and probably never would. She only stayed with him this long to make her family and Ross happy. He pulled away, looked at his watch, then leveled a pointed stare in Lisa’s direction. “You’ve got less than three hours to get ready before you have to leave. I suggest you get off the couch and get ready. I’ll call you later. Good luck” And just like that, he was out the door and gone. She would end things with Ross eventually, and if a relationship comes out of her soon-to-be involvement with Mason, then so be it. If not, then she was ready to accept whatever he could give her. “What am I even going to wear?” Lisa muttered to herself; yesterday’s events still baffled her. She was practically walking into a disaster waiting to happen.
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