1095 Words

Kendell Marano Parker. Uffa, talking about it to someone made me feel lighter. And with the little chef, incredible as it may seem, it made me feel more comfortable talking. - No one else will touch you. - he says passing his hands through my wet hair, causing me a shiver. His slender and defined body was so close and the crazy Kendell activated it. What's that? We were on a dramatic break. - Chief... - babbling and he puts his fingers on my chin and lifts him lightly making me face him. Ahhh! Didn't I resist and guess what I did? Yes, I kissed him. Dear chef, he has irresistible lips. His soft and warm lips play delicately and warmly at the same time with mine. I feel the knot that kept the top of the swimsuit being undone by your hand, leaving my breasts totally on display, leav

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