Chapter Six-3

2066 Words

He kissed her until the world whirled round them and she was conscious of nothing but him. When at length he released her, he said a little unsteadily, “How can this be possible? How can it have happened to me of all people? I do not know. I never saw you until a few days ago and yet now there is nothing in my life but you!” “That is what I – feel too!” Yamina whispered. “But you are – right – it is – impossible! We can mean – nothing to each other!” “What do you mean – nothing?” Lord Castleford demanded harshly. Then he was kissing her again, half angrily, roughly, demandingly as he had done the night before. Everything that was primitive in Yamina leapt to meet what was primitive in him. They clung together, one person, until, as if the wonder of it was too intense to be bearable,

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