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Unlike expected, Steve doesn't make a remark. He just smirks at me and resumes writing on the board. "So today we're going to be discussing scale of preference." I roll my eyes, "Yeah yeah, scale of preference." I mumble under my breathe, loud for just me to hear. "You know, just because people let you go doesn't mean you have to be rude to them." A voice whispers in my ear. I snap my gaze in the direction of the familiar voice and roll my eyes when I see that it belongs to Troy. I ignore him and fix my gaze back on Steve, pretending to be so engrossed in his boring lecture. He doesn't waste any time before leaning backwards and sitting back on his chair behind me. * * * "So a lot of you understand how to make a scale of preference. From the most benefiting need to the least benefiting." Steve says at the end of the class, "So as your first  class project , I'll be putting you in a group of two where you have to take care of a child." he announces. The class goes excited and start and to mumble loudly. He slams his hand on the desk and yells, "Silence!" The mumbling instantly goes down and he continues to talk, "So you see. Both parties in the group of two, will contribute ten dollars and make a scale of preference on how to take care of the baby and cater for the needs of the family." The class groans in disagreement with money involvement but Steve doesn't mind. "How can twenty dollars take care of our,and our 'baby's' needs? Twenty dollars barely covers my needs." I tell him with a smirk. He pretends not to hear me as he just ignores me and continues talking. "There's an uneven number of boys and girls so since there are more girls than boys,a few of you will have to be lesbian moms." He says with an emotionless face earning chuckling and approving laughter from the class. "So I randomly paired you all with the names from my attendance list, I don't know who is who." He says and bends over his desk to grab his attendance list. He starts to call the names but I don't pay any attention to any of them. I rest my head on my desk and close my eyes in an uninterested way. That is, until he mentions my name. "I'm sorry, who?" I sit up. He frowns at me and shakes his head but he repeats himself. "Troy Bailey and Janice Willow." He says and continues calling names. I turn around in my chair and turn to look at Troy. Like expected,a shocked look is plastered on his face and his eyes are wide opened beyond compare. "Hey,hey,looks like we'll be seeing each other more often." I mock in a singsong voice. He frowns at me and I chuckle and turn back around in my chair. Steve dismisses the class after handing each of us a robot toy that is supposed to represent our children. Troy's POV "I can't believe I was paired with a girl." Rachel groans at we head to the cafeteria to eat our lunch. She looses the headband holding her hair up in a ponytail, causing it to fall on her shoulders. She uses her fingers to fingercomb her wooly hair. Rachel is so the sweetest person I have ever known, probably the only girl, except Jenna, that's been sincerely sweet to me. Her kindness kinda created an obsession for brown skinned girls in me. "Well you've always wanted to know what being lesbian felt like so I guess you have your answer." I say with a straight face as we walk into the cafeteria and head to an empty table. "I guess you're right." She chuckles and gasps as she widen her eyes, and then grins widely, "Do you think I maybe have a chance to kiss her?!" "Rachel, this is role play parenting." I raise a brow dryly at her. She scoffs and sucks on her bottom lip. "Whatever. I can't believe you got paired with Janice." She says and laughs mockingly. "Do you still like Mr Harper? " "Well..." I don't even have an answer. "It's not his fault, he didn't do it on purpose. Like he said, he didn't know who was who, okay?" "Uh-huh." She rolls her eyes and starts to dig into her apple. "Why are you having a fruit for lunch?" I demand. "Because I can,duh." She rolls her eyes. "Why did you tell Lewis about my house being burgled?" I ask, eating my food carefully. "Because I c..." She starts to say but trails off under my intense glare. "Well Just because he's not here anymore doesn't mean he's not a part of our friendship. It just popped up while we were talking." "I see..." I tell her. Just as I'm about to bite into my lunch, a hand grabs mine when it's halfway to my mouth. I follow the hand from wrist, to shoulder before my eyes land on the face of the lunch intruder. Of course, Janice. "What?" I ask in a very low voice. "Oh just nothing." She chuckles and sets herself to sit on the table with us shoving Rachel to the side with her butt. "You and I are co-parents. We should discuss our schedule because I,for sure, am not a homework person." "Oh." "Oh? Listen, just tell me where you want to meet okay? Because I have important things to do." She taps her foot impatiently and starts to eat out of Rachel's apple." "How about my house?" I hurriedly say, dismissively. "Oh your house?" She smirks. "No need to text me your address, I'm a professional BUtteR detanGLER." She winks at me and stands to her feet with a chuckle. "Thanks for the apple babe." She directs at Rachel and walks away. "What the heck was that about? Okay I changed my mind. I no longer want to be a lesbian,I'm back to being straight." She scoffs and frowns. For my shattered state, I'd laugh. . . Janice's POV "Hey hey." I say sarcastically as I open the door to my economics class. Steve is seated on his desk with his phone in his hands, smiling at whatever it is staring back at him from his phone's screen. His smile drops immediately he sees me. He doesn't say anything but points in the direction of the chairs facing him silently demanding that I sit down. I roll my eyes but oblige anyways. "Ready for another day of terror?" I tease. He sighs and I take his appearance in. His hair is still in its little ponytail. His shirt is tucked out of his pants, the sleeves are rolled up, stopping right before his elbow, revealing his hairy arms. He's not wearing a tie and I got to say, he looks cute as unprofessional. "You know,I had a crisis yesterday and I'm still half recovering, can't you just let today skip?" I fake a symphatetic voice which doesn't work very much, I was blessed with a non-feminine voice unfortunately. "Crisis from what?" he finally says something. "I took alcohol last night, kinda got me deh..." "You drink?!" his eyes go wide and I shake my head. "Doesn't matter. The point is please let me out of school jail, please? And for the record,please is not something I say very often." I give him the cute puppy eyes. I might not be vocally gifted but trust me, I'm the prettiest blonde there is. "Well, I..." he stutters, he seems to be caught up in my prank web.As he getting himself mentally, he blinks furiously and snaps out of his stance. "Stop it Janice. You're still in detention." I sigh in defeat and roll my eyes before sinking in my chair. "Did I say 'I hate you Mr Harper?' coz if I didn't, I hate you Mr Harper. " I groan.
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