Chapter 4-1

700 Words
Chapter 4 Caleb drove his Chevy pickup truck through evening traffic on the interstate and then the back roads. His mind was on autopilot since he was taking the same route to Ormond Beach from Daytona that he took countless times before. Caleb reached his rented home in Ormond Beach in less than thirty minutes, still reeling from the family meeting at the cafeteria hospital with Dad, Joan, and Garrison. The humidity hung in the air of the 1940s-style two-bedroom bungalow as Caleb walked past boxes stacked in the living room and hallway to turn on the window air conditioning unit in his bedroom. He headed to the small kitchen and searched for a glass so he could pour himself some water. When he found the moving box marked glassware, he found a coffee mug on top and turned on the faucet. He moved the unplugged shredder that was on the counter away from the faucet and stacked the medical records he hadn’t finished shredding including the negative HIV tests for both Sebastian and himself that they had taken twice at three-month windows. As he sipped, he heard a gentle knock on the door. Caleb walked to the entrance, peered through the peephole, and let Sebastian in. “Hey, I didn’t hear you pull up.” Sebastian moved in for a kiss and Caleb gave him a quick peck on the lips. “What’s with the moving boxes?” “That’s what I wanted you to see. My answer is yes.” Sebastian’s eyes lit up. “Really? You’re agreeing to move in with me?” “I am.” Caleb stood there as Sebastian hugged him. Caleb circled his arms around Sebastian and brushed the back of Sebastian’s hair, a recent habit he couldn’t avoid. “Are you still offering? I hope so because I’ve been packing and I have a few boxes packed already.” “Of course! I’m so f*****g happy!” Sebastian moved closer and kissed Caleb hard while Caleb held Sebastian’s face and invaded with his tongue. They stood there, kissing for a minute before they broke it off. Caleb stood there with his eyes closed and when he opened them he saw Sebastian, his gaze beaming love. “I spoke to my dad earlier.” “When?” “At the hospital.” “Yeah, how is Garrison? You said he was okay on the phone.” “He’s doing fine. Still a little dizzy and complaining about headaches.” Sebastian raised his eyebrows. “And? Did you and your dad iron everything out?” “Yes and no.” Sebastian moved toward the bar and sat on a stool. “Want to tell me what happened?” Caleb nodded and joined him in the empty barstool next to Sebastian. “Well, after my dad stopped judging me for this pink tank top and shorts I’m wearing—” “Which, by the way, looks really good on you!” “Yeah.” Caleb smiled and shook his head. “Thanks. It was meant to prank my brother. Now let’s focus here, okay?” Caleb paused and gathered his thoughts for a moment. “My dad thinks—and Garrison and Joan agree, surprisingly—that my being gay and being a NASCAR driver would expose me to a mob of hatred. That’s what I’ve been trying to wrap my head around the last hour or so. Trying to find arguments to rebut my dad’s thinking. I agree with Joan that NASCAR is changing but many people who follow NASCAR, I think, aren’t ready for an openly gay driver. We’ve had gay drivers come out but they haven’t done well in the circuit.” “Well, what about the argument that if you’re talented, you’ll be accepted?” Caleb grasped Sebastian’s hand. “I love you and I love you for thinking that talent conquers everything, but there are a lot of stereotypes in play in NASCAR. Look at the rumor mill about some drivers being gay.” “Yeah, but the world’s changing!” “I agree, but where NASCAR is popular, the world hasn’t changed as much as the rest.” Caleb bounced his leg on the barstool a few times. “I guess on the bright side, there’s no reason to keep hiding. I don’t have to worry about some intrepid reporter following me to your place and forcing me out of the closet. I’m coming out on my own terms.” “Are you happy about doing this?” “Yes. You know I am. I am tired of looking over my shoulder. I’m going to be so happy to live this life with you, if you’ll share it with me.” “God! I can’t believe it.” Sebastian kissed Caleb. “Should we start moving tonight?” “No, let’s do it tomorrow. Let’s order some food and take it back here. And if you want to have someone write up my story. I’m okay with it.” “I know just the guy. Are you sure?” asked Sebastian. “Yes. Tonight starts a new chapter in my life. Out of the closet!”
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