Chapter 7

2289 Words

That night, at around midnight, the four of us—me, Uncle Josh, Mack, and Gina—walked along the boardwalk of Port Don. We could have left earlier, but Uncle Josh insisted we wait until midnight before we did anything. It was easier to sneak around during the middle of the night, for one, and there would be fewer people at the docks to see us leave. I didn’t complain, because operating at midnight was my usual method, though Gina whined about having to stay up so late and how she needed her beauty sleep, which made me dislike her more than ever. Regardless, I was eager and excited to go. I’d been looking forward to attacking Iconia for such a long time now that I could hardly believe I was about to do it. And I didn’t even have to do it on my own. I had three skilled and powerful allies to

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