Chapter Eleven WE DRANK OUR TEA, and then went back to our room where we quietly slipped into bed. Thayu was asleep in moments, but I kept mulling over the conversation with Minke Kluysters, thinking that I was missing some little clue. It all hinged on the question of whether he spoke the truth or not. In all the time I’d known him, I’d come to see him as someone who might do disagreeable things, but who would always do them for a reason, and didn’t usually go to great lengths to hide either his actions or his motives. He was pretty blunt. I was trying to hold off on the meeting between him and Ezhya not because I thought Minke Kluysters would offend Ezhya. I was afraid they were too much alike and would become bitter rivals or strong allies. Out of those two, I didn’t know which distu