Chapter 10: Why deny when you want me?

1352 Words

Nicole I have just stepped out after taking a shower, in Jericho’s shirt, with my leg into full view of Jericho as his gaze was fixed on them while he was sitting on the bed, only in his boxers and nothing else. His magnificent muscular chest and eight abs on show, that were doing a good job of turning me on. “Come here, little dove.” he spoke in a deep husky tone and I know what was coming so I shook my head, and blushed crimson red while playing with the hem of my shirt. “Ca…Can, I sleep in the guest room for tonight? I…I am not ready to sleep with you.” I tell him and that’s when I watched his get up and approach me only to pick me up bridal style and gently lay me down on the bed. If I remember correctly, you were very much ready to sleep with me last night, and did, not just that,

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