Episode 31

2986 Words

Astonished by the words of Gerald Chen, Larissa took a step back as she was dazed. " What the ... " she mutters softly. Her heart took another turn. Truly she had always wanted a ring from Rald. All her life she had waited patiently for that day when he would propose to her like real lover but somehow, she Felt nothing after getting what her heart desires. Why? Because it wasn't her heart desires anymore. She looks away to gulp down hard and then whispers with her voice shaking. " I'm sorry Rald but I can't accept your proposal " " What? " That was the words of Gerald Chen who look up at the lady before him in awe. He slowly get up to his feet and approached her gently. His hair glittering and his handsomeness never decreasing. He looks so dominant and alluring. " What are you t

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