Episode 14

1696 Words

Larissa Henley was stunned again. It has been a long day for her and a punch of terrifying moments has been what she had experienced after her husband left her side and never returns. " That word sounds familiar " She said as she turn around to look at Westin. " ' My head and Rome's on a platter ' What is going on? " " Rissa you don't need to worry about it " " No! " she disagreed strongly. " I have the right to be very worried. This man in question is my husband. I know it's only a contract marriage but still, I am his wife. What is going on with Rome? Who wants him and me dead? " Westin looks away to sigh. He soon walks ahead to the lady and holds her arm. " Your brother will be waiting. Come on " " I won't be moving an inch unless you tell me what is going on. Why is my life

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