Chapter Twenty-Seven

2228 Words

Dylan  I've ruined everything that I have built over the last few days with Riley all because I let the talk of my parents create doubt. Everything was going so well, and I had to act out like a child throwing a tantrum. The complete truth was that the waiter coming back wasn't what bothered me. Riley and I have spent enough time naked to where other people have seen us for it to no longer be an issue. I believe I acted the way that I did as a deflection. It wasn't the right way to handle that, and I knew it even as I did it, but I couldn't stop myself. I'm f****d up in the head. Riley is finally starting to realize that. I can pretend to be the man she wants me to be, but let's face it, I'm always going to be this man. I am a man who has many doubts and wasn't raised like her. It isn

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