Chapter 9

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The aroma of freshly grilled beef filled the entire kitchen. The chattering voices of the ladies could be heard rising above the sizzle of hot pans and the clink of utensils as they fixed breakfast. It was a weekend, and Jenna couldn't be happier. The work has been really hectic. She was thankful for her cousin, Madison, who was finally finding peace. Madison had displayed great strength—more than Jenna could ever imagine. Although she knew Madison was fond of hiding her emotions, she didn't let it get the best of her. Liam had been just the savior Madison needed at that time, and she was thankful he showed up when he did. "So, tell me, what's going on between you two now? Has he kissed you yet?" Jenna teased Madison with a wink. Jenna's wish had been for Liam and Madison to take their "friendship" to the next level, but Madison seems to be the one holding back. "Come on, Jenna, I already told you, we are just friends. Nothing more." Madison rolled her eyes in frustration. If this were a song, it would have made it to the top ten hits in New York because she has sounded it so many times to Jenna that it now has a rhythm in her ears. Jenna wasn't ready to back down. "Madison..." Jenna called out in a more serious tone, her eyes holding care and concern as she stared at her cousin. She took some steps closer to her, holding her hands softly as she sighed. "You know you have to move on, right?" She began. "Julian is gone for good. I know how this makes you feel, but it's a truth you have to accept. He's not coming back, Adi." She rubbed Madison's face lovingly, cleaning the tear that escaped her eyes. "I know, Jenna, but moving on has been so hard. Liam has been a loving guy, but I feel like I betray him each time I try to bring my heart to giving Liam a chance," Madison expressed the emotions she had been hiding all these while, as tears flowed freely down her eyes. She had tried, but it'd been so hard. It's not easy to forget the man you lost your innocence to. She wished it was that easy. "What if he's just like Julian? What if he abandons me the moment I need him the most? My heart can't take such pains anymore." Her shoulders trembled with every sob that escaped her lips, the weight of her sadness too heavy for her delicate frame to bear. Liam had shown great interest in her dreams and aspirations. He never wanted to see her sad. He literally worshipped the ground she walked on, but isn't that how it all started with Julian? If she had a religion, Julian would have been a devoted worshipper. But where did all of that lead to? "Madison... Listen to me," Jenna drew her in for a hug, "you have to put yourself together. You can't keep your life on hold while waiting for Julian. He's never coming back. Liam is a great guy; don't judge him based on your past. He is one of a kind. Don't lose him while waiting for a shadow that may never return. " Jenna's words struck a chord in Madison's heart. She was right. Madison wiped the tears off her face, determined to give life a chance again because it felt like she had stopped living. "Come on; the food is getting cold. Let's eat." The dining room was all set after spending so long in the kitchen. The ladies were seated; their eyes glimmered with excitement and hunger, ready to devour every last crumb of food on the table. A faint knock sounded on the door, making them exchange curious glances. "Are you expecting someone?" Madison asked Jenna, whose curious gaze moved to the door. "No, I'm not." Are you?" Jenna asked Madison, her gaze still fixed on the door as if trying to open it with the sheer force of her stare. "Certainly not. Liam is out on a business trip, and, you know, friends are rare to find in my social circle, hence my not waking up to a stampede of visitors at the crack of dawn," Madison said sarcastically, which made them both laugh for a moment. The knock came again, a little bit harder this time. "I'll go get it," Madison said as she rose from her seat, the legs of the chair scraping against the floor in protest. As she reached for the doorknob, she couldn't help her curiosity. She gently turned the doorknob, pushing the door open, revealing the figure standing outside as a rush of cold air swept into the room. Her eyes widened in surprise as her gaze fell on the tall, masculine figure standing a few inches away from her, and a slight gasp escaped her lips. "Hey, beautiful," His familiar baritone voice sounded, his lips curving into a smile. "Liam! I thought you wouldn't be back for another two days?" Madison couldn't hide the excitement in her voice as she hugged her arms around him. Just whom she needed to see at the moment. Liam always had a way of making her happy, no matter how sad she felt. For the past five weeks, he's been nothing but nice and caring. She knew he had already fallen in love with her, but she was scared of giving him a chance. He made her take an online course in the arts when she told him about losing her job. He wasn't even bothered by her losing her job. The first thing he did when he learned about her dreams and aspirations was pay for a course for her to study, while he made plans for her in secret. Liam promised to help her achieve her dreams of becoming and owning one of the best galleries in the country. "I got back last night. I thought I should surprise you today." He handed a glistening gift bag to Madison; its shimmering surface hinted at the treasure in it, tempting her to take a curious peek inside. "What are you up to this time around? What's in the bag?" Her curious gaze was fixed on him. "Go ahead and open it." Madison eagerly dipped her hand into the bag, her heart racing with excitement as she brought out a tiny, beautiful box. She slowly opened the box, revealing diamond earrings glistening beautifully in the morning sun. "Oh my God, Liam, these are so beautiful!" Her eyes held great admiration. He sure had his own way of warming her heart. "We were just about to have breakfast. Come on in." She led him into the house in excitement. * The morning couldn't have gone any better as the trio sat in the living room after breakfast, talking about little, unimportant things. Madison's little crying session this morning seemed to have cleared up her mind, causing her heart to feel at ease. Those few minutes seemed to have cleansed her from deep within as she laughed and cracked silly jokes. The burden was much lighter now, and genuine happiness came from deep within her. She caught herself stealing glances at Liam from where she sat, admiring his every move. God, how could one man be this cute? She always asked herself each time she stared into his deep blue eyes. She wasn't sure why, but she felt butterflies in her stomach whenever their gazes met, making her blush like a teenager. Liam sent a flirty wink her way, making her blush even harder and her heartbeat to a certain rhythm. "Can I use the convenience?" Liam tore his gaze away from her face, satisfied with how he made her feel. "Sure, I'll show you," Madison said, a little bit shakey, leading the way to the visitors' convenience. "Uhm... I'll be in the... Uhm..." Madison stuttered, looking for the right words to say, avoiding Liam's gaze. Her heartbeat became rapid as the skin on her face turned red. What's happening? She questioned in her head as she quickly turned to leave but was held back by his strong arm. With one swift pull from him, she found herself in his grip against his broad, hard chest, the sweet smell of his expensive masculine cologne assaulting her nostrils and arousing every feminine hormone in her. She nervously shifted her gaze from his chest to his face, which held unsaid emotions; his eyes were deep with desire, and his breath was hot with need. He gazed down at her lips, and they looked edible. He desired to slowly take them in, savoring every inch of her mouth with his tongue as her moans of ecstasy filled his ears like melodies. "Madison..." Almost inaudibly, he called out in a hushed whisper, pressing her delicate frame deeper into his grip. "Liam... I..." She was at a loss for words as Liam's heated gaze sent shivers running down her spine. Her voice came out in a dry whisper, causing Liam's desire to grow even more. He couldn't tell how much longer he could control this feeling, but damn! He was madly in love with the woman standing in his arms. He watched her delicate hands nervously push softly against his chest in a weak protest. It made him want her even more. He leaned in closer, his gaze locked onto hers, sending him a maddening sensation he hadn't felt in a very long time. The air around them grew tense and heavy with desire. "Liam..." Her soft voice rang in his ears again in an attempt to free herself from his grip as she slowly ran her tongue along her lower lips, looking for the right words to say. The sight of her tongue caressing her lip was just too much for him to bear. The desire to feel her lips press against his own left him powerless to resist. Just as he reluctantly let her slowly slip off his grip, she heaved a nervous sigh of relief and slowly licked her lips again. She did that whenever she got nervous. "f**k! Madison!" He let out a low, husky voice as he pulled her back into his grip, and without warning, he slammed his lips against hers, losing the last thread of control he thought he had.
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