Chapter Four-1

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Chapter Four“Now you know the reason I summoned you from the sea,” True Thomas said as they stood beneath the wind-twisted rowan tree on the south bank of the River Tweed. “Now, you know your purpose in life. All else that you have done has to prepare you for this mission.” “All else?” Bradan asked. “I have watched you from the moment you took your first step on the road, Bradan, and you, Melcorka, from the instant of your birth. You must succeed.” “If we don't?” “If you don't,” True Thomas said, “this world will be condemned to more horror than you can ever imagine.” “Aye,” Melcorka said. “It is a rare gift you have, Thomas, seeing backwards through time. “Can you alter anything you wish?” “I have never tried before,” True Thomas said. “I have only one thing to alter, the time that

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