Chapter Two

3595 Words

Chapter TwoAs always, Defender's power ran from the blade of the sword into Melcorka's hand, up her wrist and through her whole body. Brushing aside a hopeful jab from a Northumbrian spear, she killed the owner with a thrust to his chest and shouted as she ran. “You three champions! The Swordswoman is coming for you!” The Danes halted their push into the Alban ranks to face this new challenge. “We fight for King Cnut!” the axeman man roared. “We are Danes!” “Danes, Angles or Norse, it's all the same to Defender!” Melcorka replied. “Will you die one at a time or all together?” The axeman laughed. “Well met, Swordswoman. You will fare well in Valhalla.” “You can wait for me there,” Melcorka said, running forward with Defender held in front of her like a lance. Instinct warned her that

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