Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen“That is Bruachan,” Bradan said. “He brought you back.” Melcorka sat up. “I remember now. My mother was here. And Bradan. Thank you, Bruachan.” The Druid removed his hand. “I'll keep my wrist intact, I think. Not many people could survive the evil that Erik put in you, Melcorka. What do you intend now?” When Melcorka touched the hilt of Defender, the old familiar thrill returned. “First I will wash this sweat off my body, and then I'll hunt Erik down,” she said. “For revenge?” Bruachan asked. “No. To remove the evil from Alba.” Melcorka stood up, swayed and accepted Bradan's supporting hand. “If it were for revenge, Defender would not work for me.” Bruachan gave a faint smile. “Your Defender is virtually unbeatable against any weapon made in its own time, for it holds

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