Chapter Seven

832 Words

Chapter SevenThe Rock rose before him, ghostly white, with the gannets plunging all around and a keen wind lifting the crests from the waves. From his position on the coast, Erik could not see if there was anybody on the Bass or not. Striding down to the fishing village at the foot of the cliff, he hailed the crew of a boat. “Give me that boat.” “We will not.” Eyeing Erik's sword warily, the three men faced him, one lifting a boathook, the others hefting their oars in defiance. “Give me that boat,” Erik said. The Rock of Bass was only a mile away, glowing in the rising sun. “Get away.” The bearded man with the boathook gave a tentative prod toward Erik. “Push the boat out, lads.” Striding forward, Erik drew Loki's blade and killed the man with the boathook, then sliced at the legs of

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