Chapter Five

538 Words

Chapter Five“I am Erik Egilsson!” Erik lifted his sword high as he shouted out his name. The darkness around welcomed him, protecting him from all harm. Kissing Legbiter”s black blade, Erik replaced it in its scabbard. “Loki! I am here, Loki! I have done your bidding!” He stood in a depression in the ground, with his bare feet deep in the soil and the grey man 10 paces from him. “I am Erik Egilsson! Can you hear me, Loki?” Shapeless in the night, the being emerged from the ground around. “Did you kill the woman?” His voice was deep, his breath hot as he enveloped the depression, forming all around Erik. “Yes, Loki.” Erik sunk to one knee. “I killed the woman.” “Good. Give me her sword.” Loki thrust out an arm that looked like smoke, with a slender hand that dripped deeper darkness into

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