
1028 Words

Calibs’s POV: She stared us both down, like she was analyzing us. I watched as her eyes went smaller and then she scanned us both again.. I felt a little naked, like she stripped me bare. For some reason, I found her very intimidating. I cleared my throat before I spoke “Well thank you mam, we appreciate everything your doing for us.” She turned her back on me as if I didn’t even speak and started to wash the dishes. “I need you to be up by 5am tomorrow morning, you need to gather eggs and feed the chickens. I also need you to go with me so that I can show you the delivery route for eggs and vegetables. Then you need to work on the vegetable garden and I have some fixing on the house I need done” “No problem mam, I’ll be ready.” “And I don’t want any drugs and s**t on my prope

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