
1341 Words

Cale’s POV: When her food arrived, I knocked softly on the door. I heard a small strangled cry and then her feet shuffling on the floor. I then heard a louder scream. I understood her sadness and anger, she had been lied to forever. I looked at her anxious, confused and very scared eyes. “Wwwat just happened?” the wobbling in her voice was almost my undoing. She was trying very hard to be strong. I hugged her to me and then heard Alpha Rubens men in the hall. “I have to leave you, sweetheart, but I promise I will be outside your door. You should really eat something. Keep yourself strong” She took the food and closed the door behind her. I heard her slide down the door. She was sitting only millimetres away from me but with the door between us, the door and a powerful mate. She c

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