Chapter 24

817 Words

24 It was a general rule in policing that if you thought things were going alright, the s**t was about to hit the fan. There were many things it was unacceptable to say in a police station, and none was more taboo than ‘It’s a bit quiet today, isn’t it?’ Although Jack hadn’t said as much, he’d dared to think it, and he was made to regret it the moment the Chief Constable, Charles Hawes, walked into his office. ‘Jack, have you got a couple of minutes? The Andrews woman is in and wants to go through a few things.’ Their dislike of Penny Andrews, the county’s elected Police and Crime Commissioner, was mutual. Both disliked the idea of PCCs at the best of times, seeing they tended to be career politicians rather than people with any experience of policing. Penny Andrews wasn’t even from th

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