Chapter Seven

1632 Words
When he finally dropped me onto the sofa, I was just grateful he was no longer touching me. I wasn't drunk, just clumsy which was nothing new. I had always been the same and had never required being carried before. "Why are you even here? You are supposed to learn from your mistakes, I believe." "I needed to explain, and you didn't reply to my messages." "I broke my phone. There's no need to explain. It was a mistake. That's pretty clear, no explanation necessary." "I'm Catholic." I wasn't sure if it was a statement or his excuse. I wasn't stupid I knew what he was insinuating by pointing it out, but Mamma was more dedicated to her religion than anyone I had ever known and even she approved of our actions. I didn't really get the religion thing, it wasn't something that was prevalent in my family. Officially, we were Church of England, but I hadn't stepped foot in a church since I was christened, not that I remembered it. "Catholic guilt isn't enough to explain your behaviour." I pulled myself off the sofa with the aim of storming out. Before I had a chance to get past him, he gripped my wrists, looking at me so intently that I felt like I would never be able to hide anything from him. "Can you just not be mad with me for five minutes, please?" He pulled me into him as though we were dancing in a ballroom. Before I knew it, I was too close to him. The sort of closeness that clouded my judgement. He had come straight from the hospital, I could smell it on him. I couldn't even put my finger on what the smell was made up of, but it screamed clean. There was even a slight whiff of his aftershave left over from when he had applied it in the morning. Just the tiniest amount of woody masculinity. I wanted to be mad at him, anger wasn't always the worse thing in the world. He could use some of the fire I had. It was like I had too much and he had none. Whatever was holding him back would vanish in the face of his temper. I leaned up and kissed him, I shouldn't have done it but I was only in Italy once. I wanted to make the most of it and there was something about George that made my constant fire burn all the brighter. On a whim, I bit down on his bottom lip, just a little too hard. Somehow it seemed to lessen my temper instantly. Although it dampened the fire in me, it ignited George's. For once it wasn't me leading things between us. I uttered the most unelegant grunt as he pushed me back against the wall but it didn't last for long before he devoured my mouth. I couldn't decide if he was suddenly angry with me or something else. It didn't seem like it was me, more like he was frustrated. I wondered if he was annoyed with the catholic guilt that must have been instilled in him continuously over his lifetime. Similarly to the previous night, our hands were all over each other. The only downside was my dress was a roll neck and as such didn't allow easy access for his discovery across my body. It was odd for me too with him wearing a very casual and well-worn t-shirt, nothing like his red scrubs or shirts I was used to seeing him in. I hadn't really realised until I start sliding it up over his six-pack, allowing my hands to roam into his chest hair. The shock couldn't be understated when he took it off, barely removing his lips from mine in the process. The person who had made such a big deal about the antics in the car was taking things one step further and stripping. Then out of nowhere he completely stopped his assault, I almost felt like he was gauging my reaction as he stared into my eyes once more. The steel in his gaze was almost enough to turn me to stone. He ran his fingers softly along both of my arms, barely even making contact with my skin. The slow tingle inducing action stopped abruptly as he grabbed my wrists with anything but softness and pushed them up above my head until they were against the cold wall. "Don't move." There was no request in his words, it was an order and nothing less. The shock hit me yet again, he had gone from soft and mild-mannered to domineering in the blink of an eye. I had no idea where it had even come from. Then as suddenly as it had disappeared his soft, slow touch returned. As he lifted the hem of my dress it felt like he was inspecting every inch of my flesh as it appeared. When he finally revealed my black lace shorts, he fingered them appreciatively and sent yet more shivers through my system. Before I knew what he was doing, my dress was above my navel and he had stooped to lay tiny kisses around it. I reached for his head, running my fingers through his hair, I just couldn't help myself. He didn't miss a beat raising again and pinning them back to the wall. It was like two sides of him were competing to come out and play. They might have been two extremes of him, but f**k it was so hot. "I told you not to move." His tone was sharp, but then he kissed me with such tenderness. I had no idea what to make of him at all. "Now, stay still." He was still looking at me, so I nodded. I had no ability to form words, even if I had known what to say. The next thing I knew my dress was gone and I was suffering under his scrutiny again. I wasn't used to such an intense glare upon my naked flesh. It was the one time I felt really self-conscious about myself. I wasn't sure anyone had ever really even seen me so bare. I wanted to shield myself, but there wasn't much chance of that with my hands over my head. He never took his eyes off me as he undid his belt. I could feel them roaming over every inch of me as though he was trying to memorise every single curve and mole. As his jeans fell from him, there was no more hiding any of him from me. When he stepped back towards me, sandwiching me between him and the wall, I was desperate to move my arms. Just having them held overhead was exhausting and my muscles were starting to ache. As if he read my mind he lowered them back down until they were positioned around his neck. His fingers dug into my flesh as he gripped my thighs and lifted me into the air, crossing the room to the desk. My backside had barely touched the top when he filled me. The half groan and half scream seemed to echo in my ears. I couldn't stop myself from lying backwards on the desk, but before I could he encircled me in his arms, holding me to him. It was like he couldn't bare for me to be that far away from him. The power of him as he f****d me against the desk was unbelievable. I couldn't quite believe it was even happening. I couldn't help but dig my nails into his shoulders as he sped up. I could feel the intense ball of pressure building inside me and I needed it to be released. The panting was coming out of us both thick and fast. The agony of need was becoming too much to bear. As we both reached a climax, we collectively collapsed onto the desk. Despite how uncomfortable it was, I was disappointed when he retreated and started getting dressed. I could feel my annoyance level rising again. "So, care to fill me in on what the hell is going on in your head." "What do you mean?" "One minute it was a mistake, the next you're jumping me like you're the master of darkness." "Do you have to say it like that? I didn't mean that we were a mistake. Things are just complicated for me, I just didn't see myself getting into anything, anytime soon." "I'm only here for a few weeks, George. It's not like I'm out here looking for a marriage proposal." I wished I hadn't said it the second I saw the impending doom that registered on his face. He walked over a dropped a kiss on my lips. "I've got to go, I shouldn't have even of come. I'm meant to be on call. Let me know when you sort your phone out, ok?" "Yeah, see you later." He seemed to stall at the door, but only for a second and then he was gone. I didn't even know what I was supposed to make of it all. Instead of being some fun holiday romance, it felt anything but fun. If anything it was rather depressing. I just never knew what the hell was going on in his head and I couldn't keep up with his moods. I slipped my dress back on and busied myself tidying Aurora's desk, I could hardly leave it in the state it was in. I couldn't decide if she would be pissed off by what we had done on her desk or impressed. Either way, I didn't intend on her finding out about it at all. After the way he had been behaving, I wasn't convinced I would even hear from him again.
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