Chapter Fourteen

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By the time we had ripped away from each other, we were the only ones left in the courtyard. I wondered if our public display of affection, or more aptly described lust, had chased the stragglers away. I had been so sad to leave that place behind me but knew somehow that I would be back one day. We headed straight back to the hotel. It was a huge mistake but I had ended up covered in dirt when I was leaning against the wall and needed to change before we headed for dinner. The second we got inside the room he started to paw at me and I knew I was lost. I started undoing the buttons of my shirt, and within seconds he lost his patience. I watched as he ripped it apart and spent the last few buttons flying around the room. His fingers sent static through my system as they brushed along my ribs while he lifted my navy silk vest from my body. I decided to very quickly even the odds and ripped his shirt apart, letting it slip to the floor with abandon. I could tell he was fighting with himself. He wanted to let the real him out into the world but felt like he couldn't for whatever reason. I had no idea what was holding him back all the time. I pushed the thought out of my mind but I knew I was going to find a way to unleash him. I let my hand roam into his hair, took grip and pulled his head down to mine roughly. I let our lips meet barely and only for a second before releasing him again. I saw his eyes glaze over as he tried to keep his usual calm polite nature in place. Even seeing it in him made me angry, he had been repressed for so long he didn't know when it was safe to let go. I on the other hand could no longer control my touch, it was inherently rough. I pulled at his jeans impatiently and sunk to my knees with them. Seeing him so close was exhilarating and I gave in to my need for him. Taking him deep inside my mouth with little warning. Purposefully teasing him by running my tongue up and down his shaft. I took my time devouring him, trying to coax the reaction out of him that I wanted. It didn't take long for him to snap. I squealed involuntarily when he hoisted me up from the floor. He threw me heavily onto the bed and I could see the deep hunger in his eyes. The fire in him turned me on, just the way he looked at me was enough to leave me moist and desperate. His deft hands were on my waistband within seconds and he slowly eased the piece of elastic down over my thighs taking my underwear with them. He paused, gripping my hips forcefully and dipped his tongue between the apex of my thighs. I squirmed and bucked at his warmness, but my trousers pinned me in and forced me to keep my legs still. They worked like a set of restraints and I realised that was his intention. My head whipped back against the pillows as he sped up his action, I needed more, so much more. "George, please." "Please what?" "I need you, now." I was squirming all the more as his hot breath collided with my most sensitive area. As he saw my reaction he changed tack and blew cold air onto me, sending shivers up and down my spine. "f**k, George, stop teasing." "If you insist." He ripped my trousers down the rest of the way but left them pooled at my ankles. Hoisting them into the air and pushing them so far back on me that I thought they would snap off. I was so fixated on the discomfort, that I was taken completely by surprise when he sunk his c**k inside me. It was so hard and deep that it took my breath away, leaving me panting and whining like a puppy. The faster he moved the more I forgot all of my anger and the freer we both were. His dominance allowed me a simplicity that was addictive. My thighs were so tightly squeezed together that with every movement my own flesh caressed my clit. I couldn't contain the moan that escaped, the noise reverberated around the room and I couldn't care less who heard me. The whole of Verona could hear my pleasure for all I cared. I felt like just his power over me when we were alone together was enough to make me fall in love with him. He was intoxicating to the extent of making me forget everything but him. I could feel the pressure rising inside of me, the burning fireball of tension which threatened to consume me. "f**k, George." "c*m, I want to feel you engulfing my c**k. I want the evidence of you dripping down my legs." His command was enough to force my orgasm from me. I could feel the pleasure convulsing from my body, my body clinging to his d**k with sheer desperation. As though if I no longer had possession of him I would shrivel up and die. As soon as he collapsed down beside me, I kicked free of my trousers and was grateful to be free of them at long last. The feeling of peace and satisfaction that washed over me made me never want to leave his side. I would never get tired of the sensations he unleashed within me. I could feel the sleep threatening to crash over me as I lay there stroking his arm. I was just about to fall into the darkness when my mouth opened completely independently of my mind. "I love you, George." The words were like a slap in the face forcing me back into the world of the living. I shyly looked over at him but there was no indication he had heard me or even that the words had actually left my mouth. My mind started racing trying to figure out if I had actually said it or if it was all in my imagination. Trying to convince myself that it was the s*x talking. I barely knew the man. I had never even seen his place. I spent the whole night obsessing. Why hadn't I seen his place? Why were we always in a hotel? What was he hiding from me? How could I be so stupid to say those words to someone I barely knew? Where was it even going between us? I was starting to think contacting him in the first place was a huge mistake. It was only meant to be a holiday fling, not something that left me unable to sleep until the early hours. It was supposed to be carefree, but I felt anything but. I felt conflicted and confused, by him as much as by myself. I woke the next morning with no memory of even falling asleep. My sleep had been full of dreams, nothing I could quite remember but they were there non the less. I was sure they hadn't been pleasant dreams, if they had I wouldn't have woken with the feeling of dread that I had. I woke facing the window and the light was just starting to sneak through the blinds. I turned as much to guard myself against the sun's rays as to turn to George. My hand landed first before my eyes registered his absence. I sat bolt upright, searching the room for him. He was nowhere to be seen. The door to the ensuite was open and I was certain he wasn't in there but I got up and investigated it anyway. Just as I had suspected it was empty. I felt too naked, I felt exposed suddenly. I grabbed the first clean clothes I came to and started to cover my newfound shame. I couldn't work out why he would have left. I looked around, hoping to find a note but nothing. I checked my phone but there wasn't so much as a text from him. I felt so betrayed. I was sure it was my words which had driven him away and I couldn't help but blame my own stupidity but it was still a shitty thing for him to do. I tried to make excuses for him disappearing on me. Maybe he had been called into work, maybe it was an emergency with one of his patients. Even if that was the case could he not have found the time to send one simple text message telling me where he was? It was still ridiculously early, but I needed to flee. I grabbed my shopping bags and started shoving everything inside them. I paid no attention to any of it, I had no attention span left to use on anything. I paused just before I walked out the door, stopping to straighten the bed. It was like I felt the need to erase the evidence of the night before. Not that it would do any good. There was next to no one in the lobby when I got down there and I thanked my lucky stars that I wouldn't have to play at being polite. Dropping my key into the box for check out and managing to avoid the receptionist altogether. I sunk into Aurora's car and flung all my packages onto the passenger seat. Starting the car and taking my journey out of the city at a much higher speed than was advisable on the narrow streets.
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