Chapter Twelve

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I started walking down to the recliners near the swimming pool, dumping my bag down beside them and sitting down. I pulled my phone out. I had no idea what time George was finishing his shift, but I was pretty certain it wouldn't be so early. When I said I was heading out, I grabbed Aurora's car keys. She was more than happy for me to borrow it, especially for what she considered to be an essential trip. Emily: Hey, I'm triggering my SOS message now. George: Is the helicopter needed? Emily: No, nothing that urgent, but I do need some normal conversation for a while. The party did not go well at all. George: I don't finish till ten. Do you want to meet me in Verona? Emily: Yeah, I'm getting a hotel for the night because my bed is unavailable again. I hoped he would invite me to his and save me the hassle of a hotel room. I was dying to see where he lived. I hoped it would give me some insight into which of the two versions of him I had seen was the true George. Someone's place said so much about who they were and what was truly important to them. George: Let me know where you're staying and I will come over once I'm finished at the hospital. Well, that was that hope dashed in an instant. He hadn't really opened up about himself. I didn't even know if he lived in Verona. I didn't know much at all. He never even discussed his friends or going out with his workmates. His mystery was starting to make me nervous. I headed for the car and chucked my bag slightly angrily into the passenger seat. Heading out of the vineyard and down into Verona. I had gotten halfway there when I realised I probably should have booked the hotel room before I left the house. I didn't even know the name of any, let alone where in Verona they were. I pulled up in a layby and grabbed my phone, I needed to know where I was actually going. I booked the first hotel I found that was in the vicinity of the hospital. Not that it was even that close, but it was the best I was going to manage at the last minute. It annoyed me that it was so expensive, but there was little I could do about it. The one advantage was that it had underground parking. I set up the sat nav on my phone and turned the volume up, hoping it would be enough to hear the directions. I made my way down the hillside and into the city. I hadn't really been into the heart of the city before then. Aurora had gone around the edge when she collected us from the airport. Even when I had come for dinner with George, we must have been on the outskirts, because the sudden maze of narrow streets was unexpected. Almost as soon as I crossed over the Adige, the buildings got denser. As I drove alongside the city walls, I couldn't help but find it odd that they were used as a glorified car park. Then again, with a city full of culture it was hard to find anywhere suitable to use for something as mundane as parking. With each turn, the roads seemed to get narrower and the buildings closer, together still I wasn't prepared for when I turned onto the one-way streets. The three-story buildings on either side completely obscured the sun to me. I could have easily reached out and run my hand along the wall beside me as I drove. It was so beautiful in its own way but I would have been much more comfortable admiring it on foot. I was relieved when the car was finally safely deposited in the underground car park. I had no intention of going anywhere near anything with wheels until I left the city. It really was a city that begged to be walked, for you to be submersed in its history. I had no intention of denying the city's wishes. It was already late and I couldn't help but let my mind wander back to the consequences of the day that would be unfolding at the vineyard. I just hoped Rylie was alright and despite myself couldn't help but worry about Luca. He had done some stupid things but he didn't deserve to find out like that. When Rylie told us all that he had said he hated her, I knew instantly how much he was hurting. He would have to have been in more pain than I could even fully comprehend to be able to utter those words to her. Even after everything, he was my friend. I didn't know what to expect from the hotel, but it certainly wasn't what faced me. I imagined it was what was classified as Italian luxury. It seemed like there was marble everywhere I looked. The floor was dark with a beige-coloured vein running through it. Then the stairs, doorways and parts of the walls were made up of pink marble. The rest of the walls were painted cream and there were gold finishing touches everywhere. I knew the effect was meant to be impressive, but it just felt beyond over the top for me. I headed to the reception desk and smiled politely at the blonde older woman behind it. She seemed much cooler in her response to my presence. "Come posso aiutarti?" "Parli Inglese?" I spoke some Italian. I had picked it up working with the lads at the warehouse, but it wasn't a lot. "Sì, how can I help you, Madam?" "I have a room booked for this evening under the name Hughes." She turned her attention immediately to the computer before turning to retrieve a key. "Your room is on the second floor. There is a buffet breakfast in the morning and a minibar in your room. If there is anything else you need you can call room service from the phone in your room. Enjoy your stay with us." I uttered my thanks and headed off in search of my room. I hadn't realised how freeing it was to be away from everything. It felt like I was finally away on holiday and not just in a different place. I had been independent for so long, but since getting to know Rylie better we had become a twosome and I hadn't really been alone at all. I felt like I had taken on the responsibility of her and the baby and as much as I loved them both it was nice to be free from that for a little while at least. Aurora was right, life was short and I was in one of the most romantic places on earth. I needed to let my hair down and throw caution to the wind. With that thought I threw my bag onto the bed and grabbed my phone, telling George where I was staying and the room number. I threw myself onto the double bed and sighed at its pillowy magic. It wasn't a large room, in fact, it wasn't much bigger than the bed and a bit of walking room, but it did have everything I could need. The gold leaf wallpaper and crushed velvet furnishings gave it a lovely posh feeling and it was a big change from the homeliness of the vineyard. There was a small round dining table with two blue chairs which were less like dining chairs and more like armchairs. The ensuite which I could just see from the bed was a simple room but perfectly functional. I was glad when I noticed the bath, I had avoided the bath at the vineyard it seemed rude to be occupying a bathroom for so long there. There were only two bathrooms and way too many people sharing them. There were definite advantages to staying in a hotel over staying in someone else's house, especially when you barely knew them. The thought brought on a pang of guilt. Mamma and the whole family had been nothing but welcoming and I knew I was being ungrateful. There were also definite advantages to staying with the family and I needed to remember that and be thankful for them. It was still nice to be able to let my guard down for a little while and not have to worry about my manners. The hotel was right in the centre of a tonne of shops and I decided on a whim to head out and shop. I had hardly brought enough clothes with me, especially to be going out on dates with George. I rounded the corner and was drawn towards Zara, I laughed to myself, so far from home and still shopping in the same stores. Except it wasn't exactly the same, there was a distinctly Italian twist to the stock they held but I welcomed it. I had managed to accumulate quite a collection of bags from both high street names and boutique stores when my phone buzzed. I must have looked quite the state trying to retrieve it from my bag with my arms full of paper shopping bags and I was sure I had managed to clout someone with them in the process. George: Sloped off early, you're such a bad influence on me. I'll be there in ten. Emily: I'm looking forward to it. I headed off back in the direction of the hotel and prayed I had enough time to get changed into one of my new outfits before he arrived. I just wanted to feel the confidence of a new outfit when I saw him. I couldn't believe he had left work early and my faith in him was restored slightly. I still couldn't help but wonder why he hadn't invited me to stay with him though.
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