Chapter Nine

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As we settled ourselves onto the timber-built lounge seats, covered in cream cushions I couldn't help but get lost in the view. So much so that I completely missed George speaking to me. "Sorry, I was distracted." "The view has that effect no matter how many times you see it. What do you want to drink?" I grabbed the menu from the table and quickly scanned through the drinks. "A painkiller sounds appropriate after a day working at the vineyard." "Coming up. You go back to the view." I barely even noticed him disappear inside. Despite the late hour, it wasn't quite dark. The hills on the opposite side of the lake cast deep shadows on the water and the moon was just starting to twinkle on the water. The sun was setting behind us and didn't really light anything as it was disappearing behind the hills. It just left the slightest orange-rose tint on the landscape. I was amazed at how few lights there were on the west side of the lake. It seemed much calmer than the hustle and bustle of Brenzone. I could just imagine living on the hillside over there, completely at peace and away from the worries of the world. I uttered my thanks as he placed the long-stemmed glass in my hand. He perched himself on the connected seat beside me and joined me in my appreciation of our surroundings. "I can't decide which is more beautiful, the lake or you gazing out over it." His words pulled me from my trance-like state. He was like a completely different person yet again. More like the George I met in the hospital, but still different. He was more relaxed, as though nothing outside of that moment mattered. Whatever his worries were, they had vanished into the distance, just like the lights of Verona. His shoulders were relaxed, his voice was more mellow, and he seemed much less stiff in the way he spoke. I could relate. Being away from the reach of the vineyard had a similar effect on me. I didn't need to be so guarded away from prying eyes and listening ears. Even surrounded by people, I felt like I had the privacy I had so desperately sought. "You seem different here." "I always am when I'm out here. You wait till we head out on the water. Out here, out there, I just feel away from everything. Like I'm untouchable." "I'm not sure you are ever untouchable." He smiled back at me, no doubt seeing the suggestive twinkle in my eye that I'm sure was there. We just sat there, melting into the recliners as though they and the lake were becoming part of us. Each second of silence that passed seemed to communicate more between us than any amount of words could ever accomplish. Sipping my cocktail in one hand and him drawing small circles on the palm of my other hand. I was sure it was as close to heaven as I would ever get. The longer we sat there, the less I wanted to ever leave. I didn't want to leave the bar, the lake, or the country. Not that I had much choice in that regard, but at least we had the whole night. "Same again?" I hadn't even noticed my glass was empty. "Please, George." He swung his legs off the recliner and stood, but paused. Leaning over to me and cupping my cheek with his slightly work-worn hands. As his thumb stroked over my cheek, I nuzzled into his palm. I was dying to feel his lips on mine, but before my thought was realised, he withdrew and headed inside. I slipped my shoes off and headed to the edge of the lake, dipping my toes into the water slightly. It was warmer than I expected. I sat at the edge of the water and let the water spread up my calves. I watched as George came back out and did a double-take at my empty chair. Giving him a little wave as he surveyed the area in front of him. "Sorry, the allure of the water was too much for me." "Yeah, I know what you mean." He winked at me and it was a little cheesy, but I couldn't help but laugh at him. "I didn't mean it like that." "Well, isn't that a shame?" At his words, I couldn't help but imagine the two of us in its depths skinny dipping. "How do you seem to make everything sound dirty?" "It's a talent. Shame it's the only one I have." I laughed so loudly at the absurdness of his statement. "Given that you're a doctor, I doubt that is your only talent, and I know of at least one more." "So, you jumping on my bandwagon now?" Maybe it wasn't him that made everything sound dirty, and it was just me hearing everything as really naughty. I really needed to change the subject or it wouldn't be much of a night out. "What's it like being a doctor? I can imagine it can be tough." "The shifts are a killer, but I'm pretty used to it these days. There are always patients that ... affect more than others, but on the whole it's satisfying. I feel like I'm making a difference." "It must be satisfying. My job really doesn't compare. It's only really a stopgap, though." "Any ideas about what you want to do?" "Not really. I'm loving working at the vineyard, and I do love hospitality. It would be nice to combine the two, but I'm not really sure what that would look like. I suppose I've got time to make decisions. I'm only twenty-three." "I figured that was one of the reasons I was so hesitant about everything. Nine years is quite the age gap." I did the mental maths in my head. He definitely didn't look thirty-two. I would have thought twenty-eight at most. It didn't even bother me. It made me feel better with nearly ten years on me, it made sense that he had his life together. I felt like less of a failure. "Does it bother you?" "No, why?" "You've gone very quiet." "No, I was just thinking." "About?" "Honestly?" He nodded in response and I took a deep breath. "I was just thinking that it's ok that I haven't decided what I want to do with my life yet. My parents would love it if I started using my degree." Just thinking of them felt hard. I missed them more than I had imagined I would. "You've disappeared on me again." "Sorry, I was just thinking about home. It's the first time I've been away from my folks this long." "Are you guys close, then?" "We were. They're getting a divorce, so probably won't be for much longer. I found out right before we left." I shrugged. I didn't want him to think it was a big deal for me. It wasn't like I was a child having to deal with constant turmoil. "You should try being in my family. My mother would have strung me up if I had even uttered the word." He looked so sad and I felt bad for bringing my parents up at all. I couldn't even imagine the torment it must have brought up for him. I scooted closer to him and leaned my head on his shoulder as his arm came around me. We seemed to sit there for so long. I had never spent so much time just sitting with someone. He just had an amazing way of making me feel like I was right where I belonged. It just seemed so easy and simple with him. It was refreshing. I felt like I could be completely myself around him. "Do you want to head inside? They've got a DJ on tonight?" For the first time in my life, I didn't want to party. "Do you mind if we just head up to the room and watch a movie or something?" "If that's what you want. I would take a chill night any day of the week." "It really is." The hotel was small, and I wasn't expecting much. I almost giggled to myself when the receptionist said that we were in the penthouse. Except it really did deserve that name. The room seemed huge and even had a kitchenette. The bed was easily queen-sized and looked so inviting. I stepped over to the door that led to the balcony. I had thought nothing could beat the view from the deck, but I was wrong. We were on the third floor and it offer panoramic views of the lake. I could literally see for miles. The only thing that seemed to be missing was a television. "Guess we won't be watching a movie." "I brought my laptop. I've stayed here before. They don't have TVs, but they have amazing Wi-Fi." I chucked myself full pelt onto the bed and seemed to sink into it. Watching as he set up the laptop and spending the whole time checking out his bum. The movie didn't seem to have the ability to hold our attention at all and we spent most of the night swapping between making out and talking. In the end, we didn't sleep at all. I almost felt bad for him when he told me he had a shift later in the day. I could have happily gone back to the vineyard and slept all day. In fact, I probably would. I couldn't help but think back to the day in the warehouse. The man I had spent the night with seemed to be a completely different person. I didn't even know which version of him I preferred, if anything, him having two such radical sides to him seemed to be an advantage suddenly. I seemed to have the best of both worlds.
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